Unfortunately, I fear that if everyone just does what they want, we shall have anarchy instead of a game. I'd like to avoid that if possible.
It sounds as though we have a few choices here: we can either expand the rules of the game to allow characters outside regular Marvel to be ultimized, or we can start another game in which characters outside Marvel can be ultimized. (If we start a second game, I don't think it's fair to allow both Marvel and non-Marvel characters in the new one. This game started with "just Marvel" as the rule, and that should be honored.) Or we could do something more like a "revamp game", in which authors can choose characters from any comic line and place them into a commonly-built new uinverse that draws from everywhere. Or we can just close this whole thing up for a while and give everyone a rest, although I'd hate to see that happen.
To my mind, the point of the Ultimization Game was to fit new characters into the Ultimate Marvel Universe, and that should remain part of the criteria for this version of the game. I think each comic book universe has a unique set of rules and influences, and the idea here was to work within the rules for Ultimate Marvel. Characters and events can stand alone, but there needs to be something that ties them into a universe that includes these particular, Ultimate versions of Spider-Man, the Ultimates, the Fantastic Four, etc. If all you want to do is revamp the character, that can be done in a new version of the character's original universe, or in a new universe the poster creates. (Although in my mind, it's not an "Ultimization Game" anymore, because it has nothing to do with Ultimate Marvel.)
Do people think we should have a separate game for that? Is there enough interest? One of the reasons I was in favor of letting this week's entry go through was to determine how many people might be interested in doing something different.
On a personal level, I agree with MWoF, that this particular game was started to place Marvel characters into an Ultimate setting, and that if people want to change that, we'd be better off just starting a second game for that, and leave this one to run as it is.