On another note - you KNOW how gabby newcomers can be! -- wanted to see what folks thought about a point that I have been considering....
It has been pretty well established that Nick Fury and SHIELD spy on everybody. In the first lunch discussion between Fury and Banner, WAY back when, this was touched on. Fury had secret cameras in Hawkeye's house. There have certainly been some plot-friendly lapses (why was Cap so easily able to find Pym, when SHIELD seemed unable to.... unless Fury and company WANTED Cap to...er..find Pym...Hmmmm), but the general sense is that SHIELD noses around in everyone's business.
Okay... so Hank Pym is "fired", leaving the team under semi-friendly circumstances (Cap may have kicked his butt, but after he "sedated" Banner for Banner's "execution" -- is ANYTHING straightforward with these ULITMATES? -- he and Fury parted on good terms), his head FULL of inside info on super soldier formulas, the workings of Giant Man and the Wasp, inside info on the Ultimates and SHIELD. He falls on some hard times and Fury knows this (right up front, given the discussions they had over the Ultrons). He is slumming with a wannabe super team. And so on. This guy has "potential security leak" written all over him.
SO... was he under surveillance? If not, why not? And if so, how closely? (Believe there was reference to Fury being aware of his lunch meetings with "the Wasp"?).
I mean... this guy is a big-time loose end. Was SHIELD unaware of the Black Widow visiting him (assuming it WAS the Widow visiting him?)? I guess you could make the case that folks assumed it was just a friendly visit... maybe... but... no bugs in that apartment? And from their discussion, it sure seems Pym was well aware that Widow as a traitor... which implies other discussions. And after the events in Issue 10, it becomes clear that while Pym was in the dark re the SCOPE of the "bad guys" plans, there must have been substantial interaction to arrange for the building of the Ultron army.
Are we to assume that this all take place right under SHIELD's nose? Or was Fury aware and will there be a twist upcoming (I have read some discussion of that earlier in this Thread)?
PS - Unrelated, but... *S*... I DO hope that in the new ULTIMATES run, they retain the convention of NO THOUGHT BALLOONS. Another part of the "realistic" and... ambiguous... portrayal of events which makes the book more engaging.