Well-Known Member
I see it more as a flaw, but not necessarily such a big crime. I haven't really read a lot of Millar's works, but it seems pretty evident within the Ultimate Universe context that Millar doesn't seem to really think some of his ideas through, especially in the earlier Ultimate stories. Incidentally, Millar also admits to not having read X-Men comics as research or preliminary basis for the Ultimate incarnations for the charactersGoodwill said:While I see your point, this only proves mine about Millar only doing things to do things, which shouldn't be done, especially in something like the Ultimates, where characters have been picked out of other titles and put into this one. Millar alters characters to fit his ideas and some times that comes off as odd...
Are you saying that's a good thing or a bad thing, OC?
He throws around references to the Fantastic Four, his earlier issues of Ultimate X-Men have characters speak in almost identical voices, and he doesn't really gel the ideas. When a character or concept is introduced for the first time, it's guaranteed to be a work in progress, a beta-prototype until he finally decides time to show his readers what he REALLY wants to do with the character.
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