Nexus of the World
TheManWithoutFear said:I don't get how Banner is going to return and then run away again? I guess I'm the only guy who wants these things to branch out so radically and just have certain characters grow into their own stories. *Sigh* oh well...
I wasn't sure if Hulk would show up, but considering Hulk vs Wolverine, which is the "Hulk is on the run" series, it makes sense that he can return in U2.
You know what I would've LOVED?
No Ultimates 3.
Instead, we get a mini-series focusing on each of the main Ultimates. Ultimate Captain America. Ultimate Iron Man (a good one). Ultimate Thor. Ultimate Hulk.
Each one is six issues long and perhaps we also get an "Ultimate SHIELD" mini that runs concurrently with them focusing on the Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow with possibly the Reserves and the Union. Kinda Ultimate Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos.
Then, after two years of minis, there's a half-year hiatus, and then summer 2008 kicks off Ultimates 3.
The hype would kill us all.
Instead we go straight from Ultimates 2 to 3, have a Hulk vs Wolverine crossover (because we need more crossovers), Card destroying Iron Man continuity, and JEPH ****ING LOEB.