From MM himself, over on MW (enough abbreviations for you?). Remember the bit about #12 being in final production? Apparently not:
The complete 25 page (is that still novel length for a comic book?) UFF 32 is up in the special forum, guys, completely lettered and looking pretty sweet. Also, I just got the first 28 pages of Hitchy's pencils for Ultimates 12. He's expanded this somewhat from the 27 page script with lots of splashes and moving stuff into spreads and it looks spectacular. The ish should weigh in around 37 or so pages now and the vast chunk of it is available here for your perusal. Word is he'll be done with it in a week so hopefully I'll have the whole thing to show off when I'm in Bath next week.
Unusually, being off sick for three months means there's no final issue for him to draw and there won't be for a month as I finish Civil War (which Marvel REALLY need done). So my dear chum is forced to work with mere mortals for a short while. But I'll have this done by September at the latest so we're still good for getting this final part out before Christmas as it's only 22 pages and there's no real room for expansion anywhere.