Okay, I'm going to be the first one to predict the long term future of the Ultimates.
Issue twelve will come out in October and will be widely disputed as advocating certain political agendas in an effort to affect the November elections. This wild controversy will boost to record levels and Millar and Hitch will be signed to five to ten year contracts with marvel.
Issue thirteen will not come out until January '07 and even then only after the pages are stolen from the residences of Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch. I will have an air tight aliby, yet be one of the first to procure the pirated issue. Marvel will release the last issue two weeks later to modest sales.
All 14 issues Ultimates V3 will be released over the course of 5 months. Ultimates V3 will be given excellent reviews and the creator are appluaded for their speed and quality of writing. When questioned about their creative method Loeb and Madureira will simply say they had plenty of time to work on Ultimates V3 while V2 was being finished, frequent communications with each other, and working an eight hour day occasionally.
Shortly after, a scandal will arise from Ultimates V2 revealing the true reason for the delay of V2. E-mails and the personal accounts of friends will reveal, for the duration of V2, Millar and Hitch struggled with herion adiction and an on-again-off-again romance each other. This will raise new questions about possible homosexual undertones of the Ultimates comic. The Ultimates title will be discontinued within 9 months after sales take a sharp drop. Millar and Hitch will forgo their lucrative contracts and retire from the comicbook world and move to Massachusetts.
I'm predicting there deepseeded homosexuality because only gay men and straight women can be such huge teases as this pair, and because straight men hate to be called gay, and if they piss me off, I'm going to find a way to piss them off.