Ultimate X-Men #84 discussion -- SPOILERS!!

Between this and the last couple issues this book's been kind of a dsiappointment to me. In this issue it was Kirkman's dialogue in particular, which was just horrible. And I'm sure about Paquette. Sometimes he's all right, sometimes he really isn't. And he's clearly using Marsdon and Berry as Cyclops and Storm, which is annoying.
I initially was going to say "Yeah, duh, they're just picking off lone, weak mutants one by one at night and running off", but actually, this brings up an important question... where do they go during the daytime? They're not as huge as the originals, but they wouldn't fit through a door--hell, they'd have problems fitting through a garage door. How do they hide during the daytime? Are they thin and agile enough to move around in alleyways? Do they sneak around rooftops?

Why can't they store them at warehouses?
Yeah, i like it, but the art still bugs me. I'm glad wrinkle-face Alixe is gone, and now we have fish-lips again. The other thing i'm noticing is that for so long the color palette has been way too uniform. Full of browns and reds. Nothing pops off the page.
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Oh, yeah, duh. Because they're controlled by a bunch of rich industrialists. *slaps forehead*

Anyway, I liked the issue. I really like Kirkman's run so far.

They probably have rolexes too.

Smug Sentinels, with their robot drugs, and their robot hookers, and there robolexes............
This title gets better every month. UXM should be the "flagship" ultimate title right now instead of USM.

One thing that confuses me though... Why is it that in the "Previously in Ultimate X-Men" pages, they continue to say that Xavier is dead? I mean I know that everyone in the "present" timeline in the book believes Xavier to be dead, but we the readers already know that Xavier is alive in the future...
I loved the issue.

The art was a lot better, I'm glad that Psyloke returned. I've been wanting to see more of her.

And I'm curious to learn more about Stryfe. And Wolverine back is his old costume, awesome. Now if he would grow his goatee back.
Harkening back to what people were suspecting when we got the preview tothis issue, I wonder if Stryfe is a clone of Magneto this time rather than a clone of Cable? I don't know if he is just being drawn like mini-Mags because the artist didn't think about what he was doing, if it was on purpose because we are supposed to know it's him, or if it was a misdirection.

I praise Kirman's name and have loved his run so far and hope he stays on this book as long as he has ideas for it and not a moment shorter or longer. Then I'd love to see him moved to one of Marvel's big-name books-I think that he has really earned himself a place in the Marvel 1st-tier between Marvel Zombies and Ultimate X-man, coupled with his great Creator-owned stuff.
Been busy and just got around to reading this today.


I love it.

The art's back to looking decent (some problems but WAY better than the art for the Morlock arc). The dialog...one spot where it felt...wrong. But that's not due to something being worded wrongly or oddly...it was completely due to seeing Cyke NOT act when people were being killed on live television.

...that scene proved to me that Cyke's hurting real bad from Xavier's death because normally he wouldn't just allow this to happen. And just because Bishop had a team doesn't mean ****. Since day one Cyke could say, "Meh, let the Fantastic Four/Spider-Man/Ultimates handle it" but he never did.

I think it's pain from both Xavier's death...and Xavier's betrayal. Betrayal? He loved Jean. Cyke's not a telepath, he can't read minds and he can't meet other telepaths in the astral plane...he has to wonder...what did they do in their heads?

Which would be a nice twist from the 616 Cyke who 'cheated' on Jean for Emma although it was purely a psychic thing and not a physical thing.

Maybe I'm reading too much and maybe Kirkman's just going out of his way to make Cyke an idiot...I don't know.

Regardless Phoenix is coming soon and that'll get Cyke moving.

Bishop's team...great. The story? Promising as ****! I loved it.

I can't wait to see where this ride takes me in another four issues.
I finally read the issue... Sometimes subscriptions don't come in handy.

Anyway, there were a few things I didn't like at the end of the Morlocks, mostly the fact that Pyslocke was all "Oh, hey. We let ourselves in." In this issue we not only get a legitimate reason why she showed up, but a reason we haven't seen her all this time. It was asking for too much, but Kirkman pulled through on that one... I'm impressed and now interested in Psylocke. Cool (awesome, really) that she's back.

Also, the Mutant Liberation Front dealy is awesome. Stryfe is awesome. This is very similar to all of what I planned for a fic where Charles X died... Nice. That meaning I really enjoy how this title is not your typical title right now. A lot's going on that no other writer had the balls to pull off. On top of all of the emphasis on mutant oppression through characters like Stryfe and the Friends of Humanity, we're getting a new team of X-Men, new costumes, and a team without the melodramatic Cylcops leading. We don't need him! :-D
I like Cyke....

But the new costumes confuses me ever so slightly. There seems to be nothing in common with them besides the fact they all wear gloves.

Bishop and Pyro wear orange and red (Pyro's never been seen out of it, which could mean it'll be a while before he opens up and wears something else...must smell awful). Wolverine and Storm have versions of their X-Uniforms with small differences.

Angel, Dazzler, and Psylocke are wearing what looks like just normal clothes. Kind of wish there was some sort of theme or common color to the whole thing...some kind of understanding behind it all.

I could almost say it's all plain clothes looking...if it wasn't for Wolverine and Storm (I could understand Pyro not wearing anything else, and Bishop wearing clothes from the future which are like plain clothes for his time...or something).

Meh. Still good.
I like Cyke....

But the new costumes confuses me ever so slightly. There seems to be nothing in common with them besides the fact they all wear gloves.

Bishop and Pyro wear orange and red (Pyro's never been seen out of it, which could mean it'll be a while before he opens up and wears something else...must smell awful). Wolverine and Storm have versions of their X-Uniforms with small differences.

Angel, Dazzler, and Psylocke are wearing what looks like just normal clothes. Kind of wish there was some sort of theme or common color to the whole thing...some kind of understanding behind it all.

I could almost say it's all plain clothes looking...if it wasn't for Wolverine and Storm (I could understand Pyro not wearing anything else, and Bishop wearing clothes from the future which are like plain clothes for his time...or something).

Meh. Still good.
The new "costumes" don't confuse me it's people going on about how wonderful they are that baffle me. They don't even have uniforms. They're wearing clothes and have matching "X" badges.
The new "costumes" don't confuse me it's people going on about how wonderful they are that baffle me. They don't even have uniforms. They're wearing clothes and have matching "X" badges.

I agree, one of my favorite things about UXM was the uniforms match, they looked more like a team than superheroes. But I dont mind their costumes except for Pysloke, who wears a mini skirt into battle?
I agree, one of my favorite things about UXM was the uniforms match, they looked more like a team than superheroes. But I dont mind their costumes except for Pysloke, who wears a mini skirt into battle?

That's the one I don't like.

Pyro and Bishop seem to wear something which offers protection...but the others don't.

It's odd. Might hit up Kirkman about this stuff since he was so forthcoming on answers and feedback back during the Magical/Date Night arcs.
Kind of disappointed...as soon as Storm said something about uniforms more in line with what Wolverine was used to, I thought it was the Grant Morrison New X-Men leather jackets.

Still a good read. I'm glad that we don't have anything like the ridiculous blue and gold teams form the 90s.

I really like Bishop too. It's a good ultimization. I know we haven't seen much from him, but he seems more important here. I always thought he and Cable were lame characters...they are much better in the UU.

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