Ultimate X-Men #80 discussion (spoilers)

Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

Okay, this art does look very good, but Paquette was terrible last issue!

Still, his Wonder Woman, Terra Obscura and Bulleteer were good, and this looks good, so maybe he just rushed it.

Good to see some human-looking mutants from him, for a change!
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

That makes sense that Ultimate Pyro is a burn victim.

And is that Dum Dum Dugan tackling him down?
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

I love me some crazy Nightcrawler. I like him even more than Errol-Flynn-rip-off Nightcrawler.

Crazy people are awesome.
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

Nightcrawler is not building his own Brotherhood.

I wouldn't mind if he teams up with Pyro for a while, that would be cool and we'll have a Pyro not too unlike movie Pyro. At least at first.

I'm glad to see the Friends of Humanity back, it's a hope of mine that eventually the FoH become massive villains for the Ultimate X-Men, I see their activities increasing with Xavier being dead.

If I had to guess, the FoH were messing with Pyro and Pyro fought back, Kurt being an X-Man even if he's crazy and on the run from them, had to help out. The two become friends. Maybe both are crazy but neither one shows their crazy side to the other yet.

Maybe Pyro stays with Kurt all the way to them meeting the Morlocks, and Kurt, not meaning to, brings a killer to their little community. More guilt for Kurt, of course.

But that's a lot to guess at with only three pages of art. I have more guesses at what's coming up, but this is enough for now.
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

I imagine Pyro is blaming people for the death of Charles Xavier and Nightcrawler comes in to talk some sense into him. That's what I think, I'm speculating, I know I can't get all that from the pages... But let me imagine!
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

If I had to guess, the FoH were messing with Pyro and Pyro fought back, Kurt being an X-Man even if he's crazy and on the run from them, had to help out. The two become friends. Maybe both are crazy but neither one shows their crazy side to the other yet.

Maybe Pyro stays with Kurt all the way to them meeting the Morlocks, and Kurt, not meaning to, brings a killer to their little community. More guilt for Kurt, of course.

But that's a lot to guess at with only three pages of art. I have more guesses at what's coming up, but this is enough for now.

That's some good speculation
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

I'm pretty sure 616 Pyro wasn't immune to fire

he was aslong as he had control of it

if he lost concentration then its burn city
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

Well I guess he could just control it to stay at least half a centimetre away from his body at all times...but if you blowtorched him in his sleep..it would leave a mark
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

he was aslong as he had control of it

if he lost concentration then its burn city

Yeah, exactly, when he was in control of it. My theory is that this Ultimate version burned himself accidentally the first time his powers manifested (or early on). Its possible he might have accidentally injured or killed others. That could mess with a young mutant's head in a profound way, methinks.
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

Yeah, exactly, when he was in control of it. My theory is that this Ultimate version burned himself accidentally the first time his powers manifested (or early on). Its possible he might have accidentally injured or killed others. That could mess with a young mutant's head in a profound way, methinks.


Though i wanted young sexy Pyro

meh still cool

....wait did i just say that?
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

Yeah, exactly, when he was in control of it. My theory is that this Ultimate version burned himself accidentally the first time his powers manifested (or early on). Its possible he might have accidentally injured or killed others. That could mess with a young mutant's head in a profound way, methinks.

I like that idea... Maybe he'll be the one to introduce the Morlocks to Kurt, too.
Re: Robert Kirkman previews Ultimate X-Men #80.

Sounds like nightcrawler goes up against the x-men...with maybe pyro and some others....Nightcrawler could be such an awsome villain...if he's going proper mental and could be so scary. I like my UU being shaken up and non-616
Ok it starts off with the preview I posted yesterday. After that Jan and Scott are up in jeans room Jean wants to be alone, Scott pulls out the gift he gave her earlier. Jeans says, "I can't marry you Scott. I'm psychic, Scott. I haven't been surprised by a gift since I was thirteen years old. It's that I don't like you--I love you. It's not that idon't want to marry you--I don't want to marry anyone. I've got enough changes in my life right now. I'm young--and there's a lot going on with me. A lot. It's just not the right time. But I love you." Scott says " I know you kew. I just--I just needed an answer. I love you Jen." then thought, "Bubble bath?" Jean's thought, "Sure, go get your robe."

We then we see Bishop talking to Bobby and Rogue. Bishop askes Bobby that now that Xavier is gone, that Bobby shouldn't give up on perfecting his powers. Of couse Bobby is playing his video game and not paying attention. Bishop leaves. Back in New York City we see Pyro taking on the Friends of Humanity. Pyro is saying "Let's see you spread you mutant-hating propagando now, you fascists!! Xavier lives on!! The Cops show up and so dose Nightcralwer. Nightcralwer bops him away and says, What you did was foolish. Carles Xavier is not one who should be defended. He practiced manipulation and --You've been shot! Pyro burns out the wond and says, My name is Pyro. Fire is my friend. You're one of them-- aren't you? You worked with Xavier before he--I've been running with the Morlocks, but I'm sick of spending my time in the shadows--hiding. I want to be in the spotlight. I want to be one of the X-Men." Nightcralwer askes, "Morlocks?" Pryro " Yeah, they're a gang of mutants liveing in the sewers. Ther're like us-- they don't blent in with the normals. They've got a little community underground. You never heard of them?"

Back at Xavier's We have Scott, Jean, and Ororo meeting with Lilandra. They ask if the church will still fund the school. Lilandra agrees under one condition, that Geraid Lavin remains on-site and watches over things. The agree.

Then we to the Academy of Tomorrow. Where we see Angel approch Peter and askes if Xavier ever said anything about him before he die, and if Dazzler left a forwarding address. Both Peter says no too. Then we jump over to the New York State Prison where we see Bishop talking to Bishop. He tells his younger self to just do his time don't cause any trouble and don't use his powers, then leaves. Back at Xaviers Scott tells everyone the X-Men are done. he's turning the school into a real school for mutants. Bishop disagrees and Scott tells him if he wants X-Men he needs to make his own X-Men. Then we go to the future where we see Cable taling to a drone. Who is fixing him up. They talk a little about the X-Men and Bishop, walks in the other room and we see that Xavier is alive!

good issue. Cant wait for the next.
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Yeah, this was really good. I'm excited to see where this is going.

That didn't take long with Xavier. But duh, no surprise there. Still awesome though.

Now just make Cable not Wolverine and we'll be perfect.
Liked this issue a lot. UXM is making a serious comeback after the disaster that the Cable arc was.
So, Xavier is only trapped in the future, huh? His body, though...

That was an Xavier drone. There was supposed to be one for Cable too, but something messed up.

Also, I like having young Bishop running around too. I wouldn't mind seeing old Bishop die and be replaced by young Bishop, once he gets out of jail.

I think the whole UU is getting so good right now, and this book in particular is changing into something fun to read and speculate on every month.
Wow, Xavier was dead for a whole issue!

This means sometime soon we're going to go into the future to save him.


Seriously though, as long as it's done good I don't care if there's more time travel...but it needs to end.

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