Ultimate X-Men #75 Discussion (Spoilers)

It can't be Wolverine, the book's going out of it's way to make us think it's Wolverine.
... and if Cable was Wolverine, he would have been stopped by the Time Spiders because he was going to interfere with his past self.

Yep, he can't be Wolverine. I said this in the UXM 74 thread.
OH YEAH!!! Random Ultimate Universe continuity fact outta nowhere!!!!

+45 points

Out of nowhere? :?

This has been stated on this board for a month.
The one line that i really hated in this issue was, "Nice face. Do we know each other? Whatever- i hope you still got some fight left in you - i don't want this to be quick."

There's something about this line that just bothers me. Sorry i was bored and decieded to post that. :wink:
Yeah, that's an odd way to say that. I didn't like it either, the only thing I didn't like of 75.

And welcome to the boards.
That Cable is a guy with a mix of the X-Men's mutations is a good idea. Think about it, right arm from Wolverine, left arm from Colossus :wink: Wonder what he have from the others :lol:


It's probably not the case, but that's actually not a bad idea. Sort of an Ultimate mutant Frankenstein's monster. That's an interesting approach, and I don't think it's really been done in comics outside of a few obscure characters or any of at least a dozen more or less traditional comic-book versions of Frankenstein.

It would be like a collection of X-Men killed in some big catastrophe, pieced together and reanimated in order to go back in time and prevent that certain event from taking place, which would explain the desire to kill Xavier (assuming he would have something to do with it).

I liked the issue more than any other in the Kirkman run, I'm just hoping he won't pull a Bendis with some clone crap or neglect continuity with a future-self ordeal (Time Spiders! Time Spiderrrrs!). We need Mark Gruenwald to keep track of all this.
Maybe they are on their way to the X-Mansion right now. We will just have to see.
They've also got a hell of a commute from the middle of the dessert to New York. Give them an issue and they'll be there.
I was just wondering if anyone knew when the issue #76 is coming out.
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Read the issue today, and enjoyed it. It was a good issue but the face on Cable looked weird at the end. Still say its not Wolverine or clone or son.

I think Cable is Wolverine come back in time to kill Xavier before he reveals his villainous nature. We know from the Blockbuster story arc that Xavier can barely read Wolvie's mind and then only at great pain exerting hours of effort.

There have been hints from Magneto and Mystique (admittably not the most reliable characters) in the Magnetic North story arc that deep down Xavier is evil. Also, Xavier's moral flexibility has been demonstrated from the beginning of the title in erasing Bobby's memory of his girlfriend because he had revealed the X-Men to her, in faking Magneto's death, and in threatening syndicate with murdering his ailing sister.

When Xavier becomes a villain, it would destroy the only family and home Wolverine had ever belonged to. Then, given the opportunity, what choice would Wolverine have but to prevent it by killing the very man who gave him that home and family?
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in faking Magneto's death, and in threatening syndicate with murdering his ailing sister.
Actually Faking Mag's death isnt a sinister motive. He didn't want to kill his friend and wished to try and rehibilitate him. Remember that issue where he was about to disban the X-men? Nothing evil there. Also with Syndicate I believe he was bluffing, we never saw her actually getting out of bed and heading towards the roof.

So far his acts haven't seem villianous but rather he's trying to do the right thing and sometimes he slips and who of us wouldn't at times? He's only human.

But they could definitely swing it that way, we'll just have to wait and see
Actually Faking Mag's death isnt a sinister motive. He didn't want to kill his friend and wished to try and rehibilitate him. Remember that issue where he was about to disban the X-men? Nothing evil there. Also with Syndicate I believe he was bluffing, we never saw her actually getting out of bed and heading towards the roof.

So far his acts haven't seem villianous but rather he's trying to do the right thing and sometimes he slips and who of us wouldn't at times? He's only human.

But they could definitely swing it that way, we'll just have to wait and see
Well, it was said that this arc would show that maybe Charles isn't exactly on the side of the angels as some may think. But yes, we'll see what happens.
I think Cable is Wolverine come back in time to kill Xavier before he reveals his villainous nature. We know from the Blockbuster story arc that Xavier can barely read Wolvie's mind and then only at great pain exerting hours of effort.

There have been hints from Magneto and Mystique (admittably not the most reliable characters) in the Magnetic North story arc that deep down Xavier is evil. Also, Xavier's moral flexibility has been demonstrated from the beginning of the title in erasing Bobby's memory of his girlfriend because he had revealed the X-Men to her, in faking Magneto's death, and in threatening syndicate with murdering his ailing sister.

When Xavier becomes a villain, it would destroy the only family and home Wolverine had ever belonged to. Then, given the opportunity, what choice would Wolverine have but to prevent it by killing the very man who gave him that home and family?

This is the only case where i would be ok with Wolverine being Cable. I acutally like this concept very much.

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