Ultimate X-Men #74 Discussion (Spoilers)

that's not the point i was trying to make.

i'm having trouble with the fact that she finds a balding cripple attractive. Even if he is a balding cripple with the ability to move his cyclops :)lol:) in ways we cant even begin to fathom.

:? :? :?


Either I missed the sarcasm, or this is a sad post.

And Ult. Xavier is darker, so I don't think its outside the realm of possibility that Emma, Mystique, and Lilandra were all influenced in their sexual desires.
Perhaps he uses his telepathic abilities to tempt the opposite sex, or something?
so, lilandra is flirting with xavier.. who is crippeled... from the legs down... he can move nothing below his waist.... (i hope you guys get where im going with this).

now i dont mind lillandra falling in love with xavier, nothing wrong with that. But why is he such a lady killer!? he's a bald cripple! yet he scored with her, white queen and mystique!! he's not even fully functional!

oh sure, he can make her think she had the best sex ever, but never the real thing!
that's not the point i was trying to make.

i'm having trouble with the fact that she finds a balding cripple attractive. Even if he is a balding cripple with the ability to move his cyclops :)lol:) in ways we cant even begin to fathom.

You were better off when we misunderstood you.
The uh...chair transforms into a....waist mover?

Idk, anyway the psychic sex seems to be a reasonable explanation.
I hope nobody reading this thread is disabled, because they'd probably want to kill all of you.

This outpouring of sheer idiocy on the boards in the past week (seriously, its getting exponentially worse day by day) is clearly one of the signs of the coming of Bass-Lak-Tus.

The Chaos before the final Reckoning.


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I hope nobody reading this thread is disabled, because they'd probably want to kill all of you.

This outpouring of sheer idiocy on the boards in the past week (seriously, its getting exponentially worse day by day)

I'm glad I'm not the only one disturbed by this.
What are you guys talking about, Xavier's sex life is better than another Ultimate Knights discussion.
At least discussions about Ultimate Knights were, to a degree, speculation. Speculation implies a certain amount of imagination, which I feel that the boards have been significantly lacking of late... I can read old posts and manifestos (yes, even the unsanctioned non-Bass Manifestos), where even if it was the most imbecilic idea, it had merit, because speculation is key to imaginitive thinking, which is key to intellectual curiousity, which in turn is key to intelligent thinking and conversation.

I feel bad that I don't do more speculating myself, I remember I used to try to think out some of the situations before I went to bed, and sometimes I'd have a crazy idea... Like Ultimate Emma Frost actually being evil, or Ultimate Charles Xavier secretly being Apocalypse... but speculation was in many ways why I loved posting here so much... For some reason (and honestly, I think creating a separate forum for baseless speculation in many ways discouraged it) that's died away.

This is not better. This is just uninformed, borderline (and sometimes right-out) offensive.
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It doesn't matter if Xavier is disabled. He doesn't have to be a good lover to attract women any more than Ted Turner does. He's an incredibly rich man with some of the most devastating power in the world and the mind to use it in ways most people couldn't dream of. Even if his willy doesn't work, that idea alone is enough to make the kind of women Xavier chills with wet. They're interested in him for about a thousand reasons OTHER than his dick. Sex is just the ladder they use to get a little bit closer to him.

And crippled isn't the correct nomenclature, dumbass.

*siiiiiigh* So can we stop hating disabled people so much and try hating women a little more? :D
hmmm, apperently my 24hour Bottom marathon did warp my sense of humor a bit.

*sigh* nobody likes making fun of the sex life of cripples anymore
At least discussions about Ultimate Knights were, to a degree, speculation. Speculation implies a certain amount of imagination, which I feel that the boards have been significantly lacking of late... I can read old posts and manifestos (yes, even the unsanctioned non-Bass Manifestos), where even if it was the most imbecilic idea, it had merit, because speculation is key to imaginitive thinking, which is key to intellectual curiousity, which in turn is key to intelligent thinking and conversation.

I feel bad that I don't do more speculating myself, I remember I used to try to think out some of the situations before I went to bed, and sometimes I'd have a crazy idea... Like Ultimate Emma Frost actually being evil, or Ultimate Charles Xavier secretly being Apocalypse... but speculation was in many ways why I loved posting here so much... For some reason (and honestly, I think creating a separate forum for baseless speculation in many ways discouraged it) that's died away.

This is not better. This is just uninformed, borderline (and sometimes right-out) offensive.

I just come here for the news.

And to the dude that said Charles is rich and can get Lilandra by his wealth. Dude, Lilandra's paying the bills. Charles has no money left to speak of.
yeah he's just a rich person who doesn't have any money (that 70's show anyone?.... anyone?? am i the only person who still watches the old episodes because that's when the show was actually good)
Kudos to the number of you who think the posts on this site are getting dumber by the day.

The rest of you have just raised my ire and conviction towards "certain new people".
More to the ending than I thought there would be, honestly. Not saying much at all, though.

I think he's dead, or at least Marvel will treat him as a lost soul, despite what Kitty saw. There's no way a person this powerful can exist... He went up against the Phoenix, for goodness' sake!

I actually think that Kirkman just wrote this to spite Marvel... They gave him filler space, so he created a character that could potentially destroy everything... And now that he's on for the long haul, he does away with him. Good stuff.
More to the ending than I thought there would be, honestly. Not saying much at all, though.

I think he's dead, or at least Marvel will treat him as a lost soul, despite what Kitty saw. There's no way a person this powerful can exist... He went up against the Phoenix, for goodness' sake!

I actually think that Kirkman just wrote this to spite Marvel... They gave him filler space, so he created a character that could potentially destroy everything... And now that he's on for the long haul, he does away with him. Good stuff.

Most asinine statement about Kirkman's run I've ever read. Especially the last part.
What? You can't read between the lines? He didn't like the fact that he had to lend the X-Men to Bendis for an arc just so that he could ruin Deadpool, and it was obvious he prolonged a story that could've fit into four to six issues just for the sake of spending time until Singer could come and write what he promised to. Why else would Kirkman have introduced a character just to write him off? Especially one where his fate is questionable because of his powers? "Oh, we're not even sure all of this just happened"... You buy that as a legitimate story?

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