At least discussions about Ultimate Knights were, to a degree, speculation. Speculation implies a certain amount of imagination, which I feel that the boards have been significantly lacking of late... I can read old posts and manifestos (yes, even the unsanctioned non-Bass Manifestos), where even if it was the most imbecilic idea, it had merit, because speculation is key to imaginitive thinking, which is key to intellectual curiousity, which in turn is key to intelligent thinking and conversation.
I feel bad that I don't do more speculating myself, I remember I used to try to think out some of the situations before I went to bed, and sometimes I'd have a crazy idea... Like Ultimate Emma Frost actually being evil, or Ultimate Charles Xavier secretly being Apocalypse... but speculation was in many ways why I loved posting here so much... For some reason (and honestly, I think creating a separate forum for baseless speculation in many ways discouraged it) that's died away.
This is not better. This is just uninformed, borderline (and sometimes right-out) offensive.