I found the issue to be very disappointing.
It's been hyped since last issue we'll see the Ultimates fight the X-Men. So why do we get page after page of them *****-footing around to come up with a weak-*** excuse to fight? I want the fight. You want the fight. Why can't we just have the fight? This is one of those times you just let rip.
Wouldn't it have been better instead of Alex and the others breaking Lorna out, it was Colossus, and Dazzler, and other X-Men? They find out Lorna is with Magneto. You don't need Alex! Or Emma or Northstar! Why not have Colossus get those guys on his side and go straight through the Ultimates so the X-Men are caught in between, with Cyclops really being messed up; Side with his brother, his teammates, and his ex-girlfriend, or the Ultimates and the Professor and his other teammates.
No. Instead we have a bunch of misfits from Emma's school go to break out Polaris. The Ultimates and the X-Men want to stop them, and Vaughan spends pages on coming up with a stupid reason for them to fight: Because Iceman accidentally blasted Captain America with a ice beam. Then everyone punches each other once, then, stops. Because they didn't want to fight anyway.
The Ultimates are supposed to be a professional military unit, not a bunch of argumentative, stupid, drunken teens, which is how they came off here.
Despite that; Magneto rocked. So does Forge. Dazzler was very good, and her piercings being ripped from her face was very clever. Dazzler's lots of fun. The cliffhanger was pretty good too.
All in all? Disappointing, but the ending salvaged it somewhat.