The Timeline Guy
icemastertron said:I don't know. To me it just wouldn't be right. At least with the Mad Thinker there wasn't too much to the character in the first place (616). But with him, it's different. Don't know how to explain it, but it just is, for me.
I understand what you're saying, but you never know. I think an Ultimate Cable could be approached totally originally, retaining some of the aspects, characteristics, and powers of 616 Cable, without being a time-traveling half-cyborg warrior who's basically a Wolverine rehash. I'd like to see a storyline with Ultimate Cable introduced as some mutant drifter who eventually somehow ends up as a sort of Messiah to the mutant race, some follow him, others don't. I'd like to see him kind of avoid his destiny at first, not believing in himself or the people's beliefs of him, and Apocalypse try to influence him and other's away from this destiny (since its bad news to Apocalypse for whatever reason). The X-Men would naturally play an intrinsic role...I don't think it would necessarily work as a prominent storyline at first, but as a long-running subplot to the book which eventually culminates in an arc or two (but not for a long while yet).