Well-Known Member
Guess it depends on how much of a fan you are already of mystique. I would certainly have preferred an ending that was more thought provoking than one that was designed to have me wetting my pants about a shapeshifter.
icemastertron said:Wouldn't you have that problem with the COLORIST and not the penciler? :sure:
So it's Immonen's fault that the characteres were COLORED blondes and same eye COLORS? Sorry, but I dont think so. :roll:Bass said:Nope. Black people have more to their appearance than just skin colour. Even without colouring, a good penciller (like Immonen) can draw a black, white, or whatever person and have them look like that skin colour. The colorist is given the colour schemes of the characters. Immonen drew caucasians. Someone, somewhere, should've realised that they had multiple characters who all looked the same.
icemastertron said:So it's Immonen's fault that the characteres were COLORED blondes and same eye COLORS? Sorry, but I dont think so. :roll:
UltimateE said:Bass is absolutely right - different ethnicities have different features, much moreso than just skin color.
But I wouldn't say it was lack of imagination by Immonen...usually something as major as that would be the responsibility of the writer to determine, at least I would think, because it can affect storytelling a LOT.
not to mention the inking would be different for darker skin, you can get away with a lot stronger shadows for one.The Captain said:of course bass is right, im pretty sure they colorist wouldnt color someone that looks like luke cage with blonde hair even if they never seen the guy before...certain things do stand out....
Blame Ourchair, he wanted to impress us with his youthfulness.whats up with all the people avatars? im tempted to put mine up there now.
Nah, all white folks don't look the same you knowBass said:I don't mean changing character's appearances to fill a quota but simply because they all look too similar. Basically, out of the group who are freeing Polaris, only Sunspot stands out. The other three blend together. What they should've done is either select a more ethnically diverse group of heroes - say, Havok, Sunspot, Thunderbird, Rictor, Synch... there's tons of non-aryan mutants out there. Either pick them (best option) or if these particular characters are necessary, make it so that their appearances are different enough so that they aren't confusing. Honestly, I was finding it a little hard.
Guijllons said:Oh, mystique, I thought that was a bit overdone, a whole page finale for her? Nah.
Guijllons said:And changing someone's race just to fulfill a quota is hardly a good call, Longshot is blonde and blue, so is cannonball, so is havok, and so is emma, they always have been.
This may even be a point vaughan is making.
Bass said:I don't mean changing character's appearances to fill a quota but simply because they all look too similar. Basically, out of the group who are freeing Polaris, only Sunspot stands out. The other three blend together. What they should've done is either select a more ethnically diverse group of heroes - say, Havok, Sunspot, Thunderbird, Rictor, Synch... there's tons of non-aryan mutants out there. Either pick them (best option) or if these particular characters are necessary, make it so that their appearances are different enough so that they aren't confusing. Honestly, I was finding it a little hard.
notTHATtodd said:I liked the Longshot appearance as well, which makes for an interesting future appearance...probably in the next issue or two. All in all, though, I'm standing by my statement that I am sick and tired of seeing Magneto in the X-Men. They had so many great villians over the years, why is it necessary to continually bring this guy back into the story lines. Show so originality! Stray from the proven formula! Do something else, damn it!
Hawkeye101 said:Ack! You heathan! Magneto is the coolest and most well written character I have ever seen. Magneto makes wonderous and well-told tales. He's a good guy and a bad guy at the same time. You don't any deeper than that! I wish there was more Magneto with the X-men. 'Mags' (as Storm calls him) could whoop any villain from X-men. Yeah that's right! Even Apocalypse! Magnetism is one of the four forces of reality! :x
Hawkeye101 said:He's a good guy and a bad guy at the same time