Hey, guys! I must say that this entire arc is shaping up to be one of the best in the Ultimate line... You guys have said it before; Vaughan really is trying to tie this book into the others, especially Spider-Man it seems, so that readers aren't thrown off about the continuity and what not (Well, more so than they already are, that is). It was neat how Arcade took from Spider-Man, was affected by what happened in Ultimate War, and, at the same time, parallels Kraven. That's just very cool.
Longshot is shaping up to be a cool character, too. I really liked him in this isuse because he was a little more hands-on and responsive in this issue than last. He'll be a cool addition to the list of allies the X-Men have, that is, if he doesn't join the team.
Just to clear a few things up...
1.) Nightcrawler isn't going to die. the knife was placed in the body just above or below something potentially dangerous. If it wasn't for Longshot he would've been killed, but now it is merely a wound which is going to be easily treated... That's what I got out of it, anyway.
2.) Mojo is becoming a very interesting bad guy. He's very linear, but that sometimes is good. They figured that Longshot was indirectly attacking him by cutting the feeds, cutting off his ratings which motivated him... That's a tactic that is very cool and it's a less obvious thing to attack than the actual "white whale". Very cool.
3.) Colossus' character is just great... The line that Ice points out is great. I think he's going to be a very large character in Vaughan's run to come.
4.) The mystery with Longshot's accusation and Sheele's death is interesting, too, even leading to the introduction of Ultimate Spiral... I like how there's more to it than I intended, reading the issue before. Very cool and I can't wait to see more about this (Does anyone else think that Spiral is the leader of the Morlocks? I'm thinking that the mutants in hiding are going to be the Morlocks!)
Also, if Mojo continues with this show, he can start picking off the Brotherhood, you know? Bring them all back and introduce them again through that... I know it would get tired but if the X-Men had to work with them to save mutant lives it would be a very interesting story, you know?