Ultimate Wolverine

Ultimate Wolverine
Chapter 2
Just A Dream...
BY: Moonmaster



**** love.

It's useless, pointless. I don't need anyone and no one needs me. Plain and simple. Love is for people who are too weak to be alone. They use someone else as a mental crutch. When people get scared, they huddle together like animals. Tha's what love is. Pitiful.

Have I ever been in love? Hell no. Sure, I've seen my share of women, but I've never been in love. I don't need to be in love. I'm strong. I don't need to lean on anyone. Besides, I work much better alone. All love could do is hold me down. And I don't need to be held down.

The closest thing I ever felt to love was in a dream. I have it ever once in a while. It's weird,...hard to explain. The only thing I can ever remember is a woman....a red head....

But that's just a dream. Love is a lie. If it ever did exist, Hallmark and Hollywood killed it.

Like I said, **** love."

6:00 AM

"Good morning, Mr. Logan," said Shingen as he sat behind his desk. Mariko was seated in tone of two chairs in front of his desk.

"Good morning," siad Logan as he sat next to Mariko. "So what's the plan?"

"The Shungatu Family. They are a renowned group that masquerades as a legitimate business.

"Like you guys?"

"Well, yes....The coming missions will focus on the leaders. If you sever the head, the body cannot function. We will eliminate them and anyone who could possibly replace them. Fortunately for us, this morning the highest echelon of the Shungatu Family will be gathered on the top floor of their building on the west side of Tokyo for a pivotal meeting. You will enter the building and proceed to the top floor. You will be heavily armed. You will assassinate everyone at the meeting. Mr. Shungatu, his sons, his generals, and anyone else who stands in you way."

10:00 AM

Logan and Mariko stepped into the lobby of the building and walked to the front desk. They both wore dark trench coats and hats that were pulled down low, over their faces. There was a short man behind the desk in a black suit and two guards stationed at opposite sides of the lobby, dressed the same. The man looked up from his paperwork and stared at the two.


Logan turned to Mariko and nodded. Mariko nodded back. They both spun around while pulling shotguns from beneath their trench coats, and shot the two guards. The man at the desk got up and tried to run, but Mariko unsheathed her sword and thrusted it backwards into the man's stomach. They walked to an elevator on the left side of the lobby and Logan punched the button for the top floor.

"Well that was easy," said Mariko.

"We're not out of the woods yet." They anxiously watched the numbers above the elevator doors slowly tick by. All of the sudden the elevator stopped with a clank and buzz.

"Dammit. This ain't good," said Logan. Seconds later, a group of guards entered the elevator. They looked around and found it empty. Suddenly, they heard a snap above them and the elevator dropped, falling to the bottom of the shaft with enormous crash. Logan and Mariko clung to the sides of the elevator shaft. The door to the elevator hung open and three guards ran to the edge. They pulled handguns from their jackets and began shooting up at Logan and Mariko.

"Mariko, a little help?!," screamed Logan, while dodging bullets. She reached inside her coat and produced a grenade, which she threw to Logan. He pulled the pin with his mouth and tossed the grenade through the doorway. "HOLD ON!" They braced the walls fo the elevator shaft as the explosion rocked the building sending fire, debris, and bodies through the doorway. Logan leaped to the severed cable in the center of the shaft and hurriedly began to climb. "Move! Fast!" Mariko quickly followed. They got to the top without further interupption. At the top of the cable, Logan and Mariko jumped to the thin edge in front of the doors. "I'm disappointed, I thought they'd throw a little more at us," said Logan as he pried the doors open and looked inside. "Maybe I spoke too soon." The small lobby behind the door was filled with guards with their guns drawn. The pair silently swept into the room, Logan popping his claws and Mariko unsheathing her sword. A storm of bullets began flying through the room, but nothing could touch Mariko and Logan. They gracefully danced through the room, cutting down the henchmen with deadly efficiency. They battled each and every guard until the room was all but empty. Logan then noticed a single guard nervously aiming at him from the corner.

"I know what you're thinkin'," snarled Logan. "You're thinkin', 'I got a few feet between me and this bastard and a single bullet left. Now, I've got two choices. I could give up, beg for mercy or I could unload on him. Well, what you need to know is that I got somethin' you don't. See, I got this stuff on my bones, this metal. Makes 'em practically unbreakable. And I got this thing that makes me heal up real fast. And a few feet ain't much space, especially fer' me. And most imporantly, I'm one psychotic mother****er. So what's it gonna be, hero. I'm waitin'." The man waited a few seconds, and then shot Logan in the forehead. Logan pried the deformed bullet from his skull and the tiny wound healed quicly. "Hehe, you just made my day, bub." Logan lunged at the man and gutted him. He stood up, lit a cigarette and walked to the door on the other side of the lobby.

"You know that that man probably didn't know a word of English?," said Mariko.

"Of course I did." Logan and Mariko walked into the office and found a long table with five men on each side, and one at teh very end: Shungatu.

"Good morning, gentlemen. We're here to kill you," said Logan cheerily.

"So this is how it going to happen?," said Shungatu. "I'm going to die at the hands of a little girl and some gaijin runt? I don't think so goddammit." He rose from his seat and pulled out a handgun, and the other followed suit.

"Jesus," said Logan. "Don't these ****ers ever learn?" Mariko and Logan began to tear through the room like before, but they made sure that each man was dead. Mariko quickly moved to Shungatu when she realized that she had a clear shot. He was tall and large, but deceptively fast. Mariko broadly swung her sword, but she hit nothing. Shungatu caught her off balance and was able to grab her sword by the hilt and pull it away from her, knocking her to the floor. He took the sword by two hands and raised it above his head, ready to thrust it into Mariko's chest.

"Close your eyes woman, it will all be over soon." Mariko closed her eyes without thinking about it and braced for the impact, but nothing happened. When she opened her eyes she saw Logan standing before her, his back turned to Mariko with the sword driven clear through his chest.

"Nice try, bub. But you're the only one dying today." Logan tore his claws into Shungatu's chest and pushed his lifeless body to the floor. Logan turned to Mariko and helped her to her feet. "Now I don't know about you darlin', but I'm gettin' the **** outta here."

"B-but, you're chest--th-the sword..."

"Oh yeah, this. Well, I can't pull it out here. I'll start bleedin' like a stuck pig, and I ain't interested in learnin' if my healin' factor covers bleedin' to death. So, I say we get outta here and deal with this later."

"You're sure you'll be alright?"

"Of course, I've survived worse than this." Mariko took out her phone and called Shingen.

"We need and exit, Logan's hurt. Bad..........yes, father. They're all dead.........five minutes? OK." Mariko turned to Logan, who was hunched over a few feet away spitting up blood. "Do you think you could climb that cable again?"

"-ptui!--...I sure could try." Logan and Mariko climbed the cable and mad there way to the roof. They waited until a helicopter approached the building and landed. Mariko and Logan quickly got in. Logan, unable to sit, layed down on the floor.

"Oh, god..." exclaimed Mariko.

"Like I said, worse than this."

"He doesn't care...." whispered Mariko as she buried her face into her hands.

"Who? Shingen?"

"He doesn't care about anyone. All he cares about is taking over this city. No matter who has to die."

"It's not so bad, darlin'. Everyone has parent problem at some point, even me."

"What were your parents like?"

"I don't remember. But I'm sure we had problems."

"You know what the worst part is? The Yashida Clan used to be something. What he told you in his office was bull****. We used to be about honor, now we're only about fear. My father didn't save the Yashida, he ruined it. And he doesn't care."

"Anything you say, kid. Anything you say," said Logan as he propped himself up. Logan and Mariko found themselves moving closer together, and soon they were engaged in a passionate kiss. The helicopter soared through the sky to the east side of Tokyo.
Didn't anyone read Chapter 2? What did you think? COMMENT, DAMMIT! COMMENT!
Ultimate Wolverine #3
BY: Moonmaster

Logan and Mariko invade the backstreets of Tokyo while they near the end of their journey. As Shingen plans a celebratory dinner, Logan and Mariko's passions begin to grow, but what will happen when Shingen discovers there secret affair?

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Okay, I just read issue #1 and there's a few spelling mistakes. But that's okay, because you made Wolverine cool again. I haven't read issue #2 yet, but I shall soon.

BTW, in your next solict, you call it #2, even though it's #3.
Just read issue #2 and can't stop thinking about the Matrix when I read that first fighting scene.

But anyway, nice issue. Still a few mistakes. Do you proof read your work or do you have a beta-reader? If not, I'm available and I'm cheap. :D
ProjectX2 said:
Just read issue #2 and can't stop thinking about the Matrix when I read that first fighting scene.

I only noticed that after I finished the issue. They are similar. Except Keanu Reeves never got impaled.....(dammit)....

But anyway, nice issue. Still a few mistakes. Do you proof read your work or do you have a beta-reader? If not, I'm available and I'm cheap. :D

If "cheap" means "free", I would be interested in your services....
I'm only $0.0 per hour. That's cheap enough, isn't it? :D

Just email the issue and I'll fix spelling and then email it back and you can post! Hooray!

Is Captain America as good as this?
Ultimate Wolverine
Chapter 3
BY: Moonmaster


"I ****in' love danger.

I live off of it. It's like a drug. Being afraid for yer' life, even if only for a few crucial moment, is exhilarating. And my kind of danger is the best kind. Killin' and gettin' killed. Some people bungee jump, some people sky dive, I kill people. When yer' in the moment and everything's perfect, yer' on top of the world.

Some people avoid danger. They don't "get it." They'll never know how I feel. They'll never taste what I taste. But for most people, that's fine. And maybe that's a good thing. The world needs killers just as much as it need accountants. Just gotta decide what you are.

But I love danger. I'll always love danger."


The bar was filled with smoke. Five men sat at a small table in the middle of the room, which was all but empty. The oldest of the five removed the cigarette from his mouth and began to speak.

"Gentlemen. We all know about the Shungatu incident two weeks ago. Everyone is on edge, even Mr. Ichibara. That's why he's got us here. He's got it on good word that someone's out to get him and he's trying to lay low. He's in that safehouse and we're the first line of defense. Nobody's getting through here, you understand me? Nobody." A man in a cowboy hat seated behind him quickly pushed his chair back so that it was parallel to his chair.

"Ya sure about that, bub?," said Logan as popped his claws. He drove his claws into the man's skull and rolled backwards onto the table. Mariko jumped from her chair in the corner and leaped over her table while unsheathing her sword. She ran to a guard at the door and impaled him before he could draw his gun. Logan spun around on the table and knocked the four men to the ground. He jumped to the floor and slit two of the men's throats while Mariko took care of the other two.

"Lock that door Mariko," said Logan. "We have to be careful here."

"Like my Father said, 'no noise this time'," said Mariko.

"Alright. Let's get to the roof and get a better vantage point." They took a narrow, creaky set of stairs to get to the roof. They were in a seedy neighborhood and night air was blanketed with a thick coating of fog. An alleyway lay before them, sandwhiched between the bar and a tall, covered fence. Withing the fence was a small warehouse: Ichibara's safehouse. Four men patrolled the alleyway, guarding the fence's gate.

"Now how the hell aer we going to do this quietly?," asked Logan. Mariko silently pointed upwards. Atop a wooden pole was an electrical wire. "Oh.....great." The two climbed across the wire as silently as possible, as not to alert the guards below. On the other side of the fence they dropped to the ground. Logan walked around to the other side of the building and climbed on top of a dumpster so he could see through one of the high windows.

"What's the deal? How many are there?," asked Mariko.


"My father said this has to be clean. No more accidents."

"I know, I know. I'm prepared." Logan sat on the edge of the dumpster and lit a cigarette.


"Plan B," said Logan as he unzipped his leather jacket, exposing a huge amount of plastic explosives.

".........Put that cigarette out. Please."

"I've worked with this stuff before. It's fine."

"Alright, but Ichibara's leaving this place at 1:30. We really have to hurry."

"Chill out, babe. Chill out."

"....I love you when you're like this." Mariko pulled Logan close and kissed him. Logan slid off of the dumpster and put out the cigarette.

"Let's do this." Logan placed explosives at each corner of the building and carefully wired them together. Logan and Mariko scaled one side of the fence and found themselves on an empty street. They crossed the street and pulled Mariko's motorcycle out of a narrow alley where it was hidden. They got on the bike and drove until they were a block away. Logan pulled out a remote detonator and pressed the button. "Boom." The building exploded with a thunderous roar, sending debris flying in all directions. "Let's get outta here." Logan sped off and the two rode in silence for a minute.

"Don't go back to my father's building, Logan," said Mariko.


"My father wanted me to tell you: we're going to the Yashida Compound outside of Tokyo. You'll like it there. It's nice."


"We're going to have a special dinner tomorrow, a celebration. I was thinking, maybe we could take this oppurtunity to tell him about.....us."

"Mariko, I don't like this."

"Please, my father needs to know. I know how he is, but I still love him. This is really important."

"Fine. But you gotta say it." Logan and Mariko drove off into the night.


Everything in Shingen's dining room glittered gold and orange. The Yashida symbol was plastered across banners all around the room. Logan sat at one end of the long wooden table and Shingen sat at the other. Mariko sat on the long side of the table. THe three sat in total silence while they ate, until Shingen finally spoke.

"Logan, Mariko told me all about what you did last night..."

"Listen, I was just tryin' my own thing. Your plan wasn't gonna work so-"

"Oh no, I am not angry with you Logan. In fact I am extremely happy."


"You always know what to do. I like that."

"Oh, thanks."

"And tomorrow you and Mariko will finish your job and you will return home."

"About that, father," said Mariko.


"Logan will not be leaving tomorrow."

"Oh.....well, Tokyo is a beautiful city. I'm sure you will want to see a little more of it before you leave-"

"No, father. He want's to stay......with me."

"What? I don't understand."

"W-we're........in love." Shingen's calm was replaced by anger and he began to stare at Logan. "P-please father, don-"

"Be quiet Mariko. Leave. Go to your room now. Logan, come with me." Shingen stormed off and left through a door behind his chair.

"Told ya this would happen," said Logan as he and Mariko got up from their chairs.

"Don't worry, he might calm down. Eventually."

"Or he might kill me." Mariko left the room as Logan went to the door behind Shingen's chair. The door led to a balcony that overlooked a large mountain range and a beautiful river. Shingen stared across the landscape.

"Mr. Yashida, please understand."

"You will not see my daughter again. She is not going to marry a filthy gaijin. I would rather die than see that."

"I thought you respected me."

"Yes, as what you are."

"And what am I?"

"A killer."

"But Mariko is a killer too."

"She will not remain one. You can always decide what you are and you are a killer. My daughter will marry a respectable man and she will decide not to live this life. She is gentle and beautiful. This is not the life for her. You will finish your work tomorrow, alone. You may return to get your money and then you will leave this place and never return. Now get out of my sight." Logan lingered for several moments, filled with hate. He left the compound angrily. As he did, a man in a suit arrived at the compound and visited Shingen.

"I have finished my research, Mr. Shingen."


"Your suspicions were correct. Mr. Logan is not who he says he is."

"Fascinating. Tell me everything."
I finally got around to reading these. I must say. Well freakin done. I loved what you done with them. I can't wait for issue 4.
Ultimate Wolverine #4
"Fighting Back..."
BY: Moonmaster

As Logan grimly completes his mission, Shingen informs Mariko of his shocking secret. How will Mariko react and what fate awaits Logan when he returns to Shingen's compound?

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Ultimate Wolverine
Chapter 4
"Fighting Back..."
BY: Moonmaster


"Men die by choice.

People view death as unavoidable. Well it ain't. Now, I know what yer' sayin'. 'You got an advantage.' But that doesn't matter. Everyone has a choice. Anyone can fight. Human will is the strongest force on earth. Ya just gotta use it. You've gotta think ahead. You can avoid death, as long as you make the right decisions. Choose yer' battles wisely. And most importantly, always fight back. You can always choose to fight back.

Life is what's unavoidable. We can't control when we exist, how we exist, or where we exist but you sure as hell can control when that existance comes to an end.

That's the power of man."

11:00 PM

Mr. Harokotu began flinging papers left and right as he desperately rummaged through his small desk.

"Sir, I think we should be leaving soon," said his chauffer from the corner of the tiny office.

"This is important. When we are gone, the cops will show. When the cops show, they'll search this entire place. They don't know what we do. As far as they know, we're a legitamate facility for martial arts instruction. When they find these documents they'll know that isn't true and they'll come looking for us. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Sir, I just find that it is prudent that we leave in a timely fashion, under these," he gestured towards the the sliding door that made up one wall of Harokotu's office. "pressing circumstances." Beyond the doors they could hear the muffled sounds of absolute chaos: slices, thuds, and noises that they didn't even want to imagine. Harokotu shuddered slightly.

"What the hell is that thing, anyway?," muttered Harokotu as he looked through his desk droors. "Grab those swords on the wall. Be careful. They're antiques." The chauffer moved towards the swords that we're hanging on the wall but stopped with his hands half way in the air.

"What?," asked Harokotu looking up from his papers.



"It stopped!" Harokotu suddenly realized that the noises had indeed stopped.

"Oh, god. I've seen enough movies to know what happens now. We think its gone, but the next thing you know: BANG! We're dead!"

"Honestly Sir, there's a differance between movies and reali-" A lone figure came crashing through the doors and leapt at the chauffer, tearing out his neck before he hit the floor. Logan rose to his full height and wiped the blood from his claws.

"You!," said Harokotu, grabbing a sword off of his desk. "I-I'm not afraid of you!"

"Really?," asked Logan mockingly. "If you're not afraid, then why is yer' voice trembling? Why's yer' whole body shaking? Why do I smell that same smell I've sniffed a thousand times before I've killed someone?"

"I'm NOT afraid!"

"Oh. Then maybe yer' just a *****." At this Harokotu charged at Logan. Logan dodged his sword and kneed him in the stomach. He tried to punch Logan, but Logan caught his fist and twisted it, breaking his wrist. He braced Harokotu's shoulder and punched him in the face several times. Logan let go and kicked Harokotu's staggering form through the door onto the bloody dojo floor. Logan crouched down over Harokotu's chest and stared into his puffy bruised face.

"Ya know. I coulda killed you a minute ago. But I didn't. I felt like taking my time. See, I got some bad news last night, and I'm not in a very good mood. And instead of releasing that tension with a friendly golf game, I decided to take it out on you. So, ya afraid of me now?" Harokotu stared at Logan blankly. "I'll take that as a yes." He quickly impaled Harokotu with his claws.

11:00 PM

"Its not true!," screamed Mariko as she stood before her father.

"I can assure you, Mariko. I heard it with my own ears."

"It can't be true. He wouldn't do that."

"We've only known him a few weeks."

"But we were....we were-"

"Mariko, he never loved you. He never cared about you. He was using you."


"It may be harsh, but its the truth. We've been investigating him. I do this with everyone I hire."

"Wh-why did you have to tell me?"

"I thought you'd want to know. I don't understand..."

"I would have been fine not knowing. Never seeing him again. Remembering him the way he was."

"The way he was...it was a lie. And there is a reason why I told you this." He pulled a sword from a nearby rack and began to examine it. "You know what happens now."

11:30 PM

Logan kept on driving until he knew he was far enough out of the city. He found a pay phone on a deserted stretch of road and parked his bike. After fumbling in his pocket for a quarter and checking the number on the card for the third time, he made the call he had been dreading all night.

"Yeah, Asano. It's me. I've got something to-................Yeah, I just finished it. I'm heading back now. But, about that...I've changed my mind..............I know what I told you three weeks ago, I'm goin' back on it...............Don't yell, Asano..........Listen, yer' gonna have to get someone else, cuz I ain't doin' this...............Why? It's...the girl...I can't do it................After last night...I'll never see her again. She'll be happy again someday. She'll find someone who actually deserves her. Someone who isn't me...............No, I'm not taking it. Not from you or Shingen.................I don't need it. I just wanna leave this place and forget this whole thing................Making a big mistake? Sure. I'v made a lot of mistakes in my life. One more mistake is just one more mistake..............Well, **** you too, Asano." Logan hung up the phone and got back on his bike. He looked around and sniffed the night air. "**** you too."

12:00 PM

Logan stepped through the large wooden doors of Shingen's old office and stopped. Shingen sat behind a large desk reading a thick book.

"Logan," said Shingen looking up from his reading. "Has it been done?"


"Well, your money is in the case on that table beside the door. Take it and leave promptly."



"I don't want it."

"You don't? Then what do you want?"

"I don't want anything from you."

"Uh, is this some sort of joke?"

"No...I just don't want it. I can't take it."

"It's a large amount of money..."

"I know. I don't want it."

"Very well. There's no reason for you to stay here any longer. Goodbye Mr. Logan."

"Goodby. Mr. Yashida." Logan left the office quietly. He left the compound the same way he had came: A stone bridge that arched over a babbling river. At its peak he stopped. He was surrounded by the forest and the moon was full in the sky.

"Why are you here?," said Logan, sniffing the air.

"I wanted to see you one last time," said Mariko from the door behind him. Logan turned to see her standing with her hair in a knot, wearing dark blue robes looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her.

"Your father..."

"One last time, Logan." Mariko walked up to Logan and stared deeply into his eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek and Logan gently wiped it away. "I-I know...everything."

"Everything?" said Logan seeming bewildered.

"My father found out."

"Mariko, I-"

"No, I understand. Who wouldn't do what you did. The Japanese goverment comes knocking on your door. Job of a lifetime. Use my family's resources to destroy all the other groups, then the grand finale: after gaining our trust, you turn on us. The goverment washes Tokyo clean, and you get a fat check."

"Please, Mariko-"

"But what I don't understand is why you had to pretend to be in love with me. Why you had to break my heart. So, when did you plan to do it? Were you going to burn down the compound? Or gut us personally? Laugh in my face as I bleed to death?"

"Mariko, it's not.....it's not what it-" Logan felt his voice crack and disappear. he did not know what to say. Mariko slowly pulled a sword from beneath her robes.

"Fight me."


"Fight me!"


"FIGHT ME!" Mariko quickly began to cut at Logan from all angles. Blood began to pour from his body, but he stood his ground. Mariko kicked Logan to the ground.

"Fight back, Logan!"

"I-I can't," said Logan quietly.

"Why?," aked Mariko, tears now streaming down her face. ONce again, Logan was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

"Close your eyes." Logan didn't. Mariko thrust the sword deep into his chest and pulled it out. He began to bleed profusely, and he could feel it fill his throat and choke him. Logan stared into Mariko's eyes.

"B-because, I love you," said Logan, struggling to speak. His eyes rolled backwards and his body went limp in the pool of blood. Mariko pushed his lifeless body into the river and watched it float out of sight. She dropped to her knees and began to sob violently.

"I love you, too."

Nice Job

Vary, Vary Nice Man. I would love to se this come to life. I think you should submit this. I can totally see this as a comic. Marvel might pick at it a little, but I can see them printing this. You've got to do this. "I'de totally Pick this up!" Keep up the good work, my man.
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Ultimate Wolverine #5
"Always There..."
BY: Moonmaster

After killing her only love, Mariko is heartbroken. When her father tries to set her up with a new man she runs away from home. What lengths will Shingen go to to find her? Why is the Yashida's empire of fear quickly beginning to crumble? And how will this tale end?! HOW !!?? HOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!????

Well just read the final chapter to find out! Geez...


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