My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
It you look at the picutre it clearly shows black panther and (i think) wasp attacking venom so that means he's a a villian he won't be on the team accoridng to that picture why would they be attacking one of their own members unless loeb is trying to copy millar which I don't think he is
You could always take a cue from Millar and try using punctuation.... just a suggestion.
As for the video game being in continuity, Bendis was saying it was up until the release of the game, and I'm pretty sure he said this was the case even AFTER the game was released. Then again, Bendis is an idiot. He may contradict the game, but he's just as likely to contradict an issue he's written before, and we can't just start writing USM issues out of continuity willy-nilly, can we? Not willy-nilly!
I really don't like the idea of Eddie joining the Ultimates (which is good, because I doubt it would happen). For one, he's a creep, and while it's perfectly plausible for him to have some sort of life changing experinece where he becomes a superhero, I think it would be a useless decision in the UU. It's just ground that doesn't need to be treaded on. It would be far more interesting to have Eddie just be the creep he's already proven himself to be: not a hero, not a villain, not an anti-hero - just a dude with ambiguous values who happens to have a symbiote bonded to himself. He should stay as a foil to Peter Parker. Parker is the exemplification of what happens when you have great power and take great responsibility for it. A lot of his opponents exemplify having great power and misusing it. I think Eddie is best suited as a mirror to Peter in that he has a common ancestry to Peter, he has similar powers, and he squanders them on pettiness. He should barely even be a blip on the radar, a petty creep with petty intentions and no eye for grand villainy. Second, he's way too much of a street level character for a team like the Ultimates.