I am sure that the Hyperion vs. Nighthawk is only a 4 issue mini-series.Yeah just like to say this list has been useful for me as a good read order, where as DirishB's works for looking up the continuity of things. I just thought to mimic his i might suggest putting Marvel Zombies tpb, inbetween crossover and frightful. and maybe just have a little list of the supremeverse at the bottom. Try this:
Supreme Power Vol. 1 - Contact (Supreme Power #1-6)
Supreme Power: Nighthawk (Supreme Power: Nighthawk #1-6)
Doctor Spectrum: Full Spectrum (Doctor Spectrum #1-6)
Supreme Power Vol 2 - Power and Principalities (Supreme Power #7-12)
Supreme Power Vol. 3 - High Command (Supreme Power #13-18)
Supreme Power: Hyperion (Supreme Power: Hyperion #1-5)
Squadron Supreme Vol. 1 - The Pre-war Years (Squadron Supreme #1-6)
not yet collected
Squadron Supreme Vol. 2 - Turnabout (ss #7-
Squadron Supreme:Hyperion vs Nighthawk (#1-5)
Ultimate Power (#1-9)
technically nighthawk and doc spectrum happen at same time as sp vol 1, .but it makes sense to read supreme power vol 1 first, and then if you read soc spec 2nd you've pretty much read the same thing twice so i put nighthawk second.
I also agree with adding this into the timeline. DIrishB said that he wanted to make a comprihensive timeline, and that is why he included them into his, and I think it would be wise to do the same here.