Ultimate Spiderman #91 Discussion (SPOILERS)

The Ringer, as far as I can tell, is the type of vilain that could beat some heroes, but get stomped on by others. At the start he basically has Spidey beat, if Kitty hadden't shown up, as superpeople are known to do in times of peril, our boy Peter would have sufocated and The Ringer (who lets face it, has a name that sounds like a perticularly intrusive sex toy) would have gotten more respect then he ever diserved. The same theory applies to heroes, Iceman would mop the floor with Hydroman (no pun intended) but if he went up against the Hulk alone he'd be turned into a human slushie. I'm not saying that The Ringer is perticularly powerful, but against the right hero any vilain can win, and vise versa. Though it still illudes me how Dazzler could beat Galaktus.

As for the rest of the issue, it wasn't what I expected. I thought it would start with Peter visting Kitty at the X Manson. I had this image in my head of each X-Man warning him that if he hurt her then he'd get a taste of their verious mutant powers, "watch yourself Bub, or they won't find a peice of you big enough to make a positive ID" something like that. Then as they are about to leave on a date, Deadpool and the Reavers attack. But I have to say I really enjoyed this issue, I was worried that the "change" in Peter and Kitty's relationship would mean them breaking up. But now I'm hopeful that it means him introducing her to Aunt May.

Just a few more things that no one else seems to have talked about: On the little section on the letters page that gives a little teaser on the next issue, it mentions that Spidey and the X-Men are on Krakoa (or whatever the island off Geanosa is called) does this mean that they will be in some kind of TV mutant death match? More importantly, is Deadpool working for Mojo? Doesn't Mojo hate mutants? Is Deadpool still a mutant in the Ultimate universe and if so is he still horribly scared?

Peter: "Whats a Mojo?"
Kitty: "he'd kick your butt."
The Omakeer said:
Is Deadpool still a mutant in the Ultimate universe? ...

In 616 Deadpool was a mutant for a little while because he thought he was, but then some one told him he wasn't, then he found out he's not a mutant he just has mutant DNA. (Does that help?)
The Omakeer said:
...is he still horribly scarred?
I hope so. Unless they make him horribly beautiful. (which would be something, maybe.)
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that's one of the first things i noticed when i read it.

616 deadpool always talks in yellow word balloons.

The Omakeer said:
...is he still horribly scarred?

Maybe he isn't, and becomes so because of this arc.

Maybe he's extremely beautiful and vain about it, then when he gets defeated, he becomes caught in an explosion and becomes scarred.
Not saying this is you in particular, but, damn comic fans can be picky. How do you imagine someone talking in yellow sounding?
Has anyone mentioned that Kitty was floating when she made her intro?

Since when could she float? Can she phase up through the air like she seems to be able to float up through the ground...

I did always wonder why when she phased into the ground she just didn't keep falling, and how she floated up again. She does still die if she stops phasing in the middle of something... right?
Samurai Jack said:
Has anyone mentioned that Kitty was floating when she made her intro?

Since when could she float? Can she phase up through the air like she seems to be able to float up through the ground...

I did always wonder why when she phased into the ground she just didn't keep falling, and how she floated up again. She does still die if she stops phasing in the middle of something... right?

Welcome to the scientific realm of comic books. In comics, the natural laws of physics don't apply. Realism is set aside in favor of dramatic storytelling. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that I understand and accept it.

So, to answer your question. How can Kitty float and phase through a floor without falling? Simple......because it looks awsome, that's why! XD
comic_geek21 said:
So, to answer your question. How can Kitty float and phase through a floor without falling? Simple......because it looks awsome, that's why! XD


There's always some explanation for something in comics. Not that "it just looks cool". Kitty's body probably instinctively stopped at some point when phaseing. As for the floating, she does it in 616. I didn't remember her floating back up when she feel through her floor but I do remember the explanation being something like when she turns intangible she becomes light enough to float on air particles.
TheManWithoutFear said:

There's always some explanation for something in comics. Not that "it just looks cool". Kitty's body probably instinctively stopped at some point when phaseing. As for the floating, she does it in 616. I didn't remember her floating back up when she feel through her floor but I do remember the explanation being something like when she turns intangible she becomes light enough to float on air particles.

You do know that I was being sarcastic, right?
TheManWithoutFear said:

There's always some explanation for something in comics. Not that "it just looks cool". Kitty's body probably instinctively stopped at some point when phaseing. As for the floating, she does it in 616. I didn't remember her floating back up when she feel through her floor but I do remember the explanation being something like when she turns intangible she becomes light enough to float on air particles.

Yeah i remember an old issue of Excalibur where she was walking on air
Well since everybody else seems to not notice or care, I for one was disappointed when DP showed up without the yellow bubbles.

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