Alright, I haven't read this issue yet, but I'm going to give my loud-mouthed opinion on it anyway. Go ahead and throw your stones at me.
Done? Alright. Good.
If there's one thing that can be said about us kids at Ultimate Central, it's that we're the most bipolar bunch of bastards this side of Mommy, Dearest. Especially when it comes to Bendis, we either hate an issue with the sort of venom we reserve for child molestors, or we love it with the sort of adoration we reserve for children.
Let's keep in mind, fellows, Bendis has yet to turn the Clone Saga into a good story. He's thrown in a buch of SHOCKING TWISTS that kind of/sort of tie in to old stories, but we don't have any explanation or any payoff for them yet. Comics are a serial format, and BEndis seems to be prescribing to the old serial mainstay of leaving on a cliffhanger to get people to buy his next issue. Some people do it well (Vaughan, you're a god), but I'm personally a little hesitant about Bendis here. Just because it sort of ties into things that have happened in the past doesn't mean it's going to pay off particularly well.
Peter's dad is still alive? Eh... Well... We never saw much of that character anyway. Aunt May is acting like a total ***** to Peter, despite knowing what he must have been going through? That's not an interesting twist on the character. It's just a betrayal of the May we've come to love over the past 100 issues. Gwen's actually Carnage? Well, raise your hand if you liked the original Carnage arc in the first place. I don't have much of an attachment to Gwen OR Carnage. Do you? MJ's getting powers? God help us.... Fury's issuing an armada of Spider-Slayers to be built? Well... uuhh.... That I really CAN'T be skeptical about. Seriously. It's awesome.
I'm not saying the Clone Saga's going to be bad. It may be wicked awesome. I'm just saying, don't get too worked up about it until we have some answers.