Hey. You're all gonna hate me cos I skipped every bit of this thread besides the first page, but I'm buying this stuff now and...could the guy who has MJ locked up at the end be Harry?
He talks about protecting MJ, and this is happening at Oscorp. Remember how obsessed Harry was with MJ and how she was "his girlfriend" during the Hobgoblin arc (yeah, i know it hurts to remember it, but try)?
Also, he made a point of wanting to keep the Oscorp building even when other companies were offering to buy the land from him. Remember?
It's Harry. Right? Has to be him. But how can it be? Unless, unless the Hobgoblin Harry was a clone of the real Harry, and now...gah! Clones make my mind hurt almost as much as time travel!!! Yet I love them both in the right dosage.
I just hope this arc has more of an ending, unlike the last few stories in USM, where things are just setup for other things.