Ultimate Spider-Man #95: Morbius Part 1 discussion (spoilers)

3/5 here as well. Good start to the story and a good start to the dreck that was Deadpool.

Finally a reaction from MJ. About time she put that jerk in his place.

I can't see this lasting with Kitty. She's such a junior higher. Are you breaking up with me? Don't break up with me! Waaaaaah!

I do have a complaint with the Morbius costume. Yet another dumb costume design by Bagley. What vampire would be wearing a skin tight spandex costume? It's just stupid. Make him look like one of those dorky goth kids or something. Like The Crow. :D

Other than that, good.
Ah hell yeah :)

We finally get a bit of the office again, MJ character development, a small surprise (but not a big one) in that Peter states he doesn't love Kitty yet, and an overall imho great introduction to vampires.

I'll give it 5/5, but I am sure I'll be let down in the next issue... hehe.
I thought the issue was really strong... There are a lot things that I know are going to play into the build-up to #100, or the Parker Legacy - notably the fact that Peter's identity is still a secret... And word is that he should give up the act. His relationship with Kitty, MJ, and Peter's relationship with himself (As Spider-Man) is getting pretty interesting, in my opinion... I thought the strongest point of the issue was the conversation with MJ and Peter.

It was good to see the Daily Bugle back in action, too. Ben Urich getting bitten kind of irked me... I hope Blade has a way around that.

I didn't like the wolf-bat at all... It was drawn cool but other than that... Bleh. I want to see more Morbius... Is he HELPING Spider-Man?
Having gone back and re-read this, I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on who the wolf is? A third vampire, presumably, but who?

Zombipanda said:
But doesn't the pacing seem a little off? It's a two issue arc. In the first issue, we get Ben Urich's new relationship and this new vampire who's not part of the 616 Universe. We don't see Morbius until the end of the issue, and we haven't evene gotten a glance of Blade yet... [snip]... It could be another arc where Bendis ultimizes characters with no explanation or no larger purpose, just for the sake of ultimizing them.
Agreement on the pacing. This suggests that there isn't really going to be much of an explanation for vampirism, and that we're going to head directly into the next arc (is that the Clone saga?) with little to no fall-out from this.

I'd really like to see some evidence that vampirism here has its own set of rules, something that makes this version of it unique to the Ultimate Universe. It's been done in various works of literature in the horror genre over the years, it should be do-able in comics as well.

E.Vi.L said:
I'm guessing it will be mystic in origin. After all, there is a Dr. Strange in Ultimate so there is magic. And the vampiric powers are too disconnected to be a mutation. Mutants usually have a single power, or a few powers connected by a single theme, unlike Vampires and Superman who have unrelated powers because a succession of authors thought it was cool. Vampirism could be analyzed scientifically, like some sort of supernatural disease. Perhaps magic itself has a scientific explanation in UU.
And therein for me lies part of the problem. Dr. Strange really kind of sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb in the UU. Most of the rest of what we've seen in this Marvel universe has some rational scientific (or at least plausible pseudo-scientific) explanation, but what Strange does seems completely separate from that. Even Thor, who's supposed to be the incarnation of a Norse god, has a possible backstory grounded in science and technology.

Strange, Jr. recites incantations and waves his hands around to work magic; if I, as a UU character, took the training, would the magic work for me too? Is Strange's ability to work magic yet another form of mutation, or some other form of genetic manipulation? (His mother is allegedly an extra-terrestrial, which raises a whole other set of questions, including "are two members of completely separate species with different evolutionary paths even able to have children?")

:oops: I'm over-analyzing again, aren't I? I promise I'll stop now.

bluebeast said:
I wonder if Urich is going to turn bad for a while now or if Spidey will help him be a normal human again.
It will be interesting to see which way this goes, although with only two issues, I'm guessing Urich's vampirism won't be a long-term feature. Although leaving him in that state would allow for some intriguing possibilities. Do vampires necessarily have to "turn evil", or can their basic personalities remain intact? One of the most interesting characters from the old Tomb of Dracula series was Hannibal King. He was a vampire, but also a decent person. If I recall correctly, it had to do with the fact that he refused to take blood from a living being.

It was good to see the Daily Bugle back in action, too. Ben Urich getting bitten kind of irked me... I hope Blade has a way around that.
Just curious about why this bothers you, Goodwill. It was mentioned in the preview summary for the issue, and the way in which it happens is actually pretty reasonable and believable.

This brings up another question: if you're bitten by a vampire, why is killing said vampire supposed to prevent you from turning into one?

Nattering again. Sorry. Getting off the thread now.... (Except to say that I agree with E about Morbius' choice of evening wear. Urk.)
I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the tension Peter is having between MJ and Kity, but I hope he keeps Kitty. MJ needs to get the Carnage treatment. The art was interesting. It works very well for Spider-Man fights. Spidey looks very cool in it. I am not as fond of the way it makes it look when it is a "normal" scene, i.e. out of costume. Peter, MJ, and Kitty all look screwy IMO.

I wish the flashback had been truer to the original team up issue. The dialogue was a little too different, Spidey's reaction was off, Blade looked completley different, and used a sword instead of a stake.

Otherwise, highly enjoyable. 4/5
I agree with you, Seldes. Strange really doesn't fit. But I don't think the Ultimate Fantastic Four really fits in the context of Ultimate Spider-Man either.... That's why Strange needs his own mini to represent the mystical side of the UU and make it seem a feasible part.

hm... As I recall, there was originally questions about where the Morbius arc was supposed to end and the Clone Saga was supposed to begin. It's a longshot, but the Clone Saga deals with Parker's stolen blood samples, and Morbius deals with blood-sucking vampires. Could their origins somehow be tied together?
Seldes Katne said:
Just curious about why this bothers you, Goodwill. It was mentioned in the preview summary for the issue, and the way in which it happens is actually pretty reasonable and believable.

I can't speak for Goodie, but I do agree with him. Urich serves a specific purpose, and having him getting bitten by a vampire causes him to cross over in a way and become involved in an area of the book where he doesn't belong. It's the Rick Jones Syndrome. Sometimes regular people should just remain regular people.
This is a pretty good issue. Looks like Bendis finally realized what was missing from his Ultimate Spider-Man stories. It was about time we saw MJ and the Daily Bugle crew.

I really want Bagley to become more imaginative with his character costume designs. Another almost direct port from 616.
I loved this issue, The coloring and art was amazing and we got to see peter talk with MJ and try to reconcile things with her. The whole issue was very dark and even a lot of the pages itself were black or dark, the spaces in between the cells. I just loved the issue period 4.5/5
Did anyone else notice that MJ stated that she and Peter have only been broken up for two weeks? That means we're only nearing the 10 month mark since Peter got bitten by the Spider (it states in Hobgoblin that it was 9 months ago, and I'm guessing that wasn't an exact 9 months, but still.)

How the hey is Bendis going to put 2 months between issue 95 and 100?

Also, if Warriors happened the day after Hobgoblin, lasted about three/four days, and the the Annual happened a day or two after that...does this mean Kitty/Peter have been going out for only a week? What the shiz-bam?
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Sacred&Profane said:
Did anyone else notice that MJ stated that she and Peter have only been broken up for two weeks?

Actually, she mentioned that Peter started dating Kitty about two weeks after they broke up, and even that could have been an estimate. Meaning Peter and Kitty have been dating at least two weeks, probably closer to a month at this point.

That means we're only nearing the 10 month mark since Peter got bitten by the Spider (it states in Hobgoblin that it was 9 months ago, and I'm guessing that wasn't an exact 9 months, but still.)

Nah, I'm telling you, with Clone Saga we'll be at the one year point, or around it, in Peter's timeline.

How the hey is Bendis going to put 2 months between issue 95 and 100?

Also, if Warriors happened the day after Hobgoblin, lasted about three/four days, and the the Annual happened a day or two after that...does this mean Kitty/Peter have been going out for only a week? What the shiz-bam?

No. Warriors does indeed pick up right after Hobgoblin. But in the Annual Peter mentions he punched Fury a few weeks ago, which happened at the end of Hobgoblin. With Warriors taking between one and several days, then the Annual probably takes place at least a week after, probably closer to a week and a half or two weeks. I'd say Kitty and Peter have been dating around a month at this point (Deadpool/Morbius). Kitty also mentioned in Deadpool that they had been on the island (Krakoa) only a few weeks before, meaning less than a month has passed in Ultimate X-Men between The Most Dangerous Game and Date Night arcs.
Sacred&Profane said:
How the hey is Bendis going to put 2 months between issue 95 and 100?

He put an entire year between issues in Daredevil.
DIrishB said:
Actually, she mentioned that Peter started dating Kitty about two weeks after they broke up, and even that could have been an estimate. Meaning Peter and Kitty have been dating at least two weeks, probably closer to a month at this point.

Nah, I'm telling you, with Clone Saga we'll be at the one year point, or around it, in Peter's timeline.

No. Warriors does indeed pick up right after Hobgoblin. But in the Annual Peter mentions he punched Fury a few weeks ago, which happened at the end of Hobgoblin. With Warriors taking between one and several days, then the Annual probably takes place at least a week after, probably closer to a week and a half or two weeks. I'd say Kitty and Peter have been dating around a month at this point (Deadpool/Morbius). Kitty also mentioned in Deadpool that they had been on the island (Krakoa) only a few weeks before, meaning less than a month has passed in Ultimate X-Men between The Most Dangerous Game and Date Night arcs.

I admit defeat.
He's like Doctor Who, only sexier.
I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the tension Peter is having between MJ and Kity, but I hope he keeps Kitty. MJ needs to get the Carnage treatment.
LOL, harsh! I like the tension between MJ and Kitty too, it's natural. I don't think MJ needs to be killed off though - but damn, all she ever does anymore these days is *****. I say let her meet and talk to Kitty a little, then get her out of the way somehow, but don't kill her. Have her leave for the summer on a school exchange program or something.

I agree with the sentiment this arc was set up well. Nice tough on Blade - did he always look exactly like the movie Blade in the UU? And what is this other comic where they showed the flashback scene earlier?
gondee said:
Nice tough on Blade - did he always look exactly like the movie Blade in the UU?
No, not really. Some pics of Blade's early looks:




Cheetatron said:
Has marvel collected that issue in a TPB yet?
Yes. The USM Super Special was included in the third trade volume of Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, and is also planned for the upcoming collection of the entire UMTU series.

Zombipanda said:
I agree with you, Seldes. Strange really doesn't fit. But I don't think the Ultimate Fantastic Four really fits in the context of Ultimate Spider-Man either.... That's why Strange needs his own mini to represent the mystical side of the UU and make it seem a feasible part.
Hey, I'd read it. :) I don't dislike Dr. Strange, I just think there needs to be some tweaking involved in this character's origin before he really fits this particular universe. How does he do all that magical stuff? Even if there just some kind of internal consistency to it (like the magical theories and classes in Harry Potter, for example), that would at least lend an air of legitimacy to it. (I confess that I did laugh when he made the comment about it being too much to expect mystic scholars to log their findings in alphabetical order -- any alphabetical order. :lol: )

UFF really does "push the envelope" in the UU, although it works for me because I'm familiar with scientific theories and speculation on the topics of alien intelligence, alternate dimensions and so on. Many of those have been the subject of science fiction for years. However, I can see where readers might have a problem accepting some of this as realistic.

hm... As I recall, there was originally questions about where the Morbius arc was supposed to end and the Clone Saga was supposed to begin. It's a longshot, but the Clone Saga deals with Parker's stolen blood samples, and Morbius deals with blood-sucking vampires. Could their origins somehow be tied together?
Maybe it's not that far-fetched. Wasn't Morbius suffering from some sort of blood disorder in the regular Marvel Universe? (I'd never even heard of this character before this issue, so I'm no expert here….) And he managed, through his research, to end up in a state where he had a number of vampiric qualities, but wasn't one of the undead? Something like that, anyway. If this version of Morbius follows a similar pattern, it's possible that he's done experimentation with blood. We've seen samples of Peter's blood taken in a couple of places in this series (most notably at the beginning, when Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius were examining it.) There may yet be a tie-in. We'll find out in a few issues.

As long as we're mentioning far-fetched theories, here's one I had. (If E and Goodwill disliked what happened to Ben Urich in this issue, they're going to flat-out hate this one. :wink: ) Given the wording of the summary for Issue #95, I was wondering if Urich was going to be revealed as having been a vampire all along. And before people start scoffing, allow me to point you to both the original Dracula by Bram Stoker and the Saint-Germain stories by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, both of which feature vampires who are active during the day. (Yarbro's can even walk around in the sunlight under the right conditions.) Besides, Urich as a vampire would have explained the fact that he's constantly wearing a turtleneck sweater and long sleeves, thereby keeping most of his skin covered. What really made me wonder was the fact that he was wearing all that when interviewing Sam Bullit in the beginning of July. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, a turtleneck sweater is far too warm for that time of year. Unless it was unseasonably chilly that year....

Ah, well, that theory's been pretty much disproved at this point. Probably just as well.

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