Well, I liked this issue. The art was a better, but I do agree with whoever said the Shang-Chi parts looked bad. I didn't think about Liz when they introduced Kitty! I hope they do show her reaction, it would be very interesting

Hopefully, Kitty's being here won't turn into a whole jealousy thing between her and MJ. I don't think they should ignore that MJ just stole her boyfriend back from Kitty, but man, I hate love triangles. I just really hope this doesn't turn into an Iceman-Rogue-Kitty thing.
On the other hand, if this is handled right, it could mean we'll be seeing more of Peter's life outside of Spider-man. Is it just me, or has it been awhile since we've really seen anything happening with anybody who doesn't know he's Spider-man (Liz, Flash, Kong, etc.?)
Also, what is the Project Pegasus? Urich was talking to Jonah about it. Is that something from 616 I don't know about? Just figured it was since Bendis loves to throw in little things like that.
Overall, good issue, but on the more cynical side, Clone Saga also started out good