Ultimate Spider-Man #105 discussion (Spoilers!)

How can you get 1/5 on an issue and 0/5 overall? That's strange.:?
Not that it matters.

I liked this issue. I liked it a lot; a real step-up from the crapfest that was the rest of the Clone saga. I'm happy that May knows Peter's identity, and MJ and Peter are back together. Fury's respect of Peter is nice to see.

The worst part was Bagley's art. He's been really off-and-on.

I like that there MIGHT be something wrong with MJ. While the idea, as a whole, sucks, I'm happy that the 'cure' isn't perfect. If it was, what would stop them from de-ozzing Goblin?


4/5. I'm looking forward to Ultimate Knights, and more excited about an USM arc than I have been in a very long time.
The thing that pisses me off is that tecnicly peter cheated on kitty(wih make him scum) i mean yeah we all knew he would go back to MJ...but he should at least have broken up with kitty first.

I mean how yall feel if you suddenly saw yor boy/girlfriend kissing an other girl/boy.

Just saying ive seen this happend in real life...it aint nice....

I loved the cheap-shot that was made towards 616 Spider-Man stories:

Peter: "Norman Osborn?"
MJ: " Hey, it's better than telling her what really happened."
Peter: "Maybe we should tell her."
MJ: "Hey, it worked. Let it be."
Peter: "I should start blaming him for everything."

I do that in real life though depending on who i am pissed at at the time like right not

Friend:Dude Joe just got hit by a car
Me:Damn you Bendis

Silly i know
All right so my official thoughts.

Basically just what I wanted out of Bendis. He managed to balance out every single loose end and expand (not tie up) on everything a bit.

I though the MJ/Peter moments were great.

Kitty's whole "I know what's best for him" and her standing there in the end was perfect. There whole relationship was based off of them thinking they knew each other when they really had no idea.

The Fury interaction put a smile on my face the entire way through. Fury admitting he was scared of Peter was unexpected from my point of view and to tell him he was going to be the complete opposite really makes the entire character worth following.

MJ moment at the end... :evil: Better not happen. It could just be her being very scared and shaken up because of the events. There weren't any signs of a physcial transformation so that's a plus.

Spider-Woman... I don't know why but I do like her and I really hope they can find a way to scientifically explain she's evolving into her own and not some she-Peter because it's creepy. But I'm looking forward to her.

Gwen/Scorpion... I don't know. Seriously. I don't even know what to make of it. Gwen should be dead. Scorpion should be someone else. But Fury just made amends so why be sneaky now?

All right so my official thoughts.

Basically just what I wanted out of Bendis. He managed to balance out every single loose end and expand (not tie up) on everything a bit.

I though the MJ/Peter moments were great.

Kitty's whole "I know what's best for him" and her standing there in the end was perfect. There whole relationship was based off of them thinking they knew each other when they really had no idea.

The Fury interaction put a smile on my face the entire way through. Fury admitting he was scared of Peter was unexpected from my point of view and to tell him he was going to be the complete opposite really makes the entire character worth following.

MJ moment at the end... :evil: Better not happen. It could just be her being very scared and shaken up because of the events. There weren't any signs of a physcial transformation so that's a plus.

Spider-Woman... I don't know why but I do like her and I really hope they can find a way to scientifically explain she's evolving into her own and not some she-Peter because it's creepy. But I'm looking forward to her.

Gwen/Scorpion... I don't know. Seriously. I don't even know what to make of it. Gwen should be dead. Scorpion should be someone else. But Fury just made amends so why be sneaky now?


Well he is a super-spy he cant help it

And youd think pete would be polite enough to break up with someone before kissing an other girl.
...Just saying
And youd think pete would be polite enough to break up with someone before kissing an other girl.
...Just saying

I don't get what the problem is here. And I'm always on the morals of relationships. But this is sort of excuseable. "Hey MJ. Hold that thought. I know we've just been through hell but I have to go break up with this other girl who I got on the rebound while we split first."

It wasn't out of character, or wrong. It just happened as it should have.
I don't get what the problem is here. And I'm always on the morals of relationships. But this is sort of excuseable. "Hey MJ. Hold that thought. I know we've just been through hell but I have to go break up with this other girl who I got on the rebound while we split first."

It wasn't out of character, or wrong. It just happened as it should have.

That jus means he's Incinsidorate(probably spelled that wrong)

I mean one doesnt magicly forget to have GF....unless your stoned or drunk cuz it happends
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I'm glad a few of the normally pessimistic USM peeps here liked it, because I did too. It made sense, and for once the characters go through stuff and have scars when it's done. MJ's fear of Peter is understandable, that's better writing than just introducing stuff and then having it go away with no real consequence.

Good issue - 4.5 out of 5. :D
I'm glad a few of the normally pessimistic USM peeps here liked it, because I did too. It made sense, and for once the characters go through stuff and have scars when it's done. MJ's fear of Peter is understandable, that's better writing than just introducing stuff and then having it go away with no real consequence.

Good issue - 4.5 out of 5. :D

I don't think she's afraid of Peter. He just reminds her of Kaine.
I don't think she's afraid of Peter. He just reminds her of Kaine.

As long as it's fear and not her transforming, I'm cool with it.

It makes sense that she'd be afraid of Peter and what he's capable of because essentially that's who the clone that kidnapped her was. It was Peter utilizing a more aggressive paranoid personality that is embedded in him. So thinking that Peter-prime is capable of turning into him should scare her.
Finally read this.

Hated the issue. I'm so sick of MJ drama. In case I hadn't told you guys before; I would thoroughly enjoy her dieing.
Well, I really liked it and I'm hoping, hoping but not optimistic, it signals a return to form for this title. I know we have the Knights coming up, but it's a sequel to the last good story in USM so that should be okay, but hopefully an avenue's opened to explore Peter Parker and his relationships more and deal with less wacky-*** Spider-Man crap.
Finally read it,
Does anyone remember what I said about #104?
This issue is exactly what I asked for, it ignores the sucky parts of clone saga and leaves us with a promising situation in the future.
I found the story to my liking.And since a very long time I won't be insulting Bendis!!

But I am still not happy with the art.This isn't the art of Mark Bagley,not even anywhere close to it.I think he actually got bored of Ultimate Spider-Man.
If you have seen the variant cover to Thunderbolts #110,you will know Mark Bagley is still one of the hottest artists in the industry,and he can still draw Spider-Man.He is just bored, that's all I'm saying.
Luckily Immonen is coming to the rescue after Knights.

so my opinion is

3/5 -> whole 2 points are gone because of the crappy crappy art.
Hmph. Not bad.

I so totally called that Fury would talk him out of it and they would reach an understanding.

I liked the way the May storyline was resolved, but I'm surprised she didn't ask about Richard and Gwen!Carnage. I suppose Bendis is just going to drop it so we'll forget about Gwarnage and Scorpy until they show up in issue 200 for the Ultimate Maximum Carnage.

Awww, most awkward hug ever! Especially with the very interesting tears on her costume. And I notice Bendis included organic webbing, because it's not a proper issue of Ultimate Clone Saga until you've yelled "WTF WHY?" at least once.

Alas, poor Kitty. Her ***, it is dumped. It seems likely to me that Xavier and Jean got the gist of the clone stuff from reading minds and have decided to keep out of it.

Mary seeing Kaine in Peter's reflection was AWESOME. So creepy! And I liked the scene with SHIELD explaining what had happened.

It doesn't make up for the rest of the saga, but it's not bad. I notice that as soon as Bendis put out an issue that wasn't crap on a stick, Bagley's art rose up to pre-100 quality. Ignoring all the baggage it's carrying, I would give it a 4/5.

However, Ultimate Doctor Octomagnetopus and Kaine were not explained and Kaine and Tarantula still don't have names. 0/5.
Sadly, Dr. Octopus is as explained as he's ever going to be, I'm afraid.

It's not like they'll do an issue where he goes into his whole story "This is why I and everyone else believed my power came from the arms even though I've always had Magneto powers."

They'd only do that if he was a clone with implanted memories and died two issues later.
Meh. Whatever...you guys have fun being optimistic and stuff...seeing as how well that's turned out in the past. I still hated this issue. Stupid MJ...

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