Ultimate Spider-Man #103... SPOILERS!

I remember Moony made a picture of a pink Magneto when TOG kept calling him Magento.

Can we rename Doc Ock to Magento? I could see him in a nice magenta jump suit with magenta arms.

Separates him nicely from Magneto.

Bunch of spelling Nazis.
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Nice summary BTW goodwill, its better than Randoms.

**** off. Its only cause he put it into paragraphs

Sounds lame.

Random, I'm ashamed of you.

It is, but I guess I was hyped that I actually got it early. But I'm glad that we have an actual villain. And Bendis can really make you hate a villain. I like how Pete just kept telling himself to kill Ock, that started out cheesy but got better. I hate how Ock has magnetic powers but liked how it was presented. And it set up the potiential for a good fight next issue.

Also way are you just ashamed of me? Goodwill put a half a point higher than me.

Either way I want this to be over and for a big change in the series, either for it to go back to what the earlier issues great or replace Bendis.
**** off. Its only cause he put it into paragraphs

It is, but I guess I was hyped that I actually got it early. But I'm glad that we have an actual villain. And Bendis can really make you hate a villain. I like how Pete just kept telling himself to kill Ock, that started out cheesy but got better. I hate how Ock has magnetic powers but liked how it was presented. And it set up the potiential for a good fight next issue.

Also way are you just ashamed of me? Goodwill put a half a point higher than me.

Either way I want this to be over and for a big change in the series, either for it to go back to what the earlier issues great or replace Bendis.
you should have said megentic powers
Sounds pretty crappy, plus it sounds like they are about to undo all of the major "changes" the storyline brought about. If they hit the reset button next issue, what was the point of buying the arc?
What?! This doesn't sound like Bendis at all!
Yeah, like I don't know... The entire arc, to me, has been cliche, but now that the villain, the ACTUAL villain, has been introduced into the whole mess... It just seems like the story is irreperable at this point. Ock working for the CIA just seemed like a cop out was just about enough - he's a terrorist who attempted to assault the President at the White House yet our government is still going to employ him. What's the deal? Furthermore, the fact that he can control metal is a little off, too. He's been retconned so that Bendis doesn't have to explain how he got his arms back... Bendis could've done better.
I'm positively shocked. How could Bendis do such a complete 180 so suddenly?
I remember Moony made a picture of a pink Magneto when TOG kept calling him Magento.
**** off. Its only cause he put it into paragraphs
I think it's kind of lame that MJ decided to go out of his way to say who had a better summary.

It is, but I guess I was hyped that I actually got it early. But I'm glad that we have an actual villain. And Bendis can really make you hate a villain. I like how Pete just kept telling himself to kill Ock, that started out cheesy but got better. I hate how Ock has magnetic powers but liked how it was presented. And it set up the potiential for a good fight next issue.
The Peter "breaking" is probably going to be the high point of the issue. However, Doc Ock being the cause of damn near everything sucks. I know it sounds hypocritical because I'd be totally cool with Norman being the cause of all Peter's woes but only because I expect Norman to be purposely putting him through hell and mapping out every single move.

Also way are you just ashamed of me? Goodwill put a half a point higher than me.
Because you broke my "No one calls ****" rule. Anyone with half a brain had a hunch Richard was a clone, among all the other easy reveals going on here.
...And that's exactly why I wasn't impressed with this issue. At a certain point, it got too easy for us to guess where this was going, based on the solicitations or with the circumstances of the story up to that point. Of course we had an idea that Richard and Gwen were clones or some genetic "thing"... At the beginning of the story, we wouldn't have known what to think, but now? The "Parker Legacy" has been BORING.
Longshot: Uh...sir?

Magneto: What?

Longshot: Yeah, there's some crazy guy with a bowlcut going around saying he's got magnet powers...you want me to kill him or what?

Magneto: Depends...is he a mutant?

Longshot: Bendis is being vague about that, sir.

Magneto: OK, wait till the end of the arc. If's he's faking, we kill him. And maybe Spider-Man. His costume offends me. If he's a mutant...we send a fruit basket.
If i cut bendis' head off and put it on my TV...if it gave me better reception, it would be more than he's ever done for Ultimate Spider-Man

Kudos to whoever knows where that lines' from.
**** you Bendis.


We've done nothing but give you the benfit of the doubt for the past 2+ years and all you've done is fling 7th grade write-a-book garbage at us. Congrats....a few years ago you and your USM saved Marvel. Well congrats again....you and your USM have just ruined a character.


I've seen better/more coherent stories in a 4 year old's finger painting.

Richard Parker is back? Yay. How innovative. Make him an aged clone of Peter? Lame.

Gwen is alive? I'll bet she's Carnage. Yep....I was right. Meh.

MJ turns into Demo-She Wolf-Goblin? You're fired. Make this startling change and do nothing with it except show a panel where Reed is gonna fix her? I'm serious---get the **** up from the desk....grab your little desky toys and whatnot and take your bald fat *** down to some other podunk comic company that'll be more than glad to have you.

Take away everything that made Doc Ock...well...Doc Ock and turn him into some Magneto-wannabe? If I ever see you on the street, I'll gut you like salmon. I saw this trick before. It sucked then...it sucks now. You have a 10 second headstart.

And to make Ock behind this whole thing instead of Osborne? Make that a 5 second headstart...

**** you Bendis. You have seriously ruined a once good book. THERE IS NOTHING----and you tell your retarded 15 year old fanboy followers who think this is somehow genius and innovative---AND I MEAN NOTHING, THAT YOU CAN DO TO SALVAGE THIS BOOK LET ALONE THIS ARC!


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I can't wait to read it. Seriously. This was a cliffhanger ending, and is probably there to mislead us. At the end of #102, everyone was at Bendis' throat for having Fury behind Ock- which turned out to be not what people were thinking.
And to make Ock behind this whole thing instead of Osborne? Make that a 5 second headstart...

That is one thing Bendis did right. The reason 616 Osborn is such a lame joke is because he's the scape goat to practically everything.

As for Ock having magnetic powers, I don't know why so many people are getting their panties in a twist. It's not like he can control all metals. Just the metal his original tentacles are made from.
I think it was probably the best issue of the arc so far. Not saying much but still.

The good was Peter's battling with himself to kill Ock and I didn't hate the X-Men part. Also I'm pretty pleased with the whole Nick Fury has enemies from within the U.S.

Other than that. Basically the issue revealed everything we already knew and Doc Ock has magnetic powers which I can't even fathom why Bendis would do that to him.

At least one clone is dead. 4 more to go and we can forget all about this.

Really? Oh, THANK GOD. I haven't read the issue yet, so I seriously was confused and thought he was Magneto Junior. That's SO MUCH BETTER.

Agreed. Did he specifically state that? And where did he get the metal from the arms from, after they were destroyed?
Agreed. Did he specifically state that?

I think it's obvious. If he could control any metal, he would have ripped the bars off his prison cell long ago, rather than calling his arms to free him.

And where did he get the metal from the arms from, after they were destroyed?

In the Oscorp lab where they are having this confrontation.