Ultimate Spider-Man #100 Discussion (SPOILERS!)

My bet is Gwen is Carnage with cells and the memories of Gwen Stacy implanted in it.

Yeah that was my guess also.

Anyway, Random, he was yelling at his dad to tell him what was going on. He did it everytime he had the chance, really.
What makes Carnage male in your mind? I'd describe it as an asexual entity.
Not so much the actual "sex" of the creature, but more body type. I base it on the fact that 616 Carnage is male, so this version is compared to that in my mind. When it reverts to normal, it keeps the male body type it had the first time, even though it's outer shell is female. To me that means it's a "male" at the core, even though traditional meanings of sex don't really apply to it - but it's the same thing with Ultimate Vision. No sex really, just the male/female body it's normal form has.

Even though I expected it, I'm bummed Gwen is Carnage. I really hoped she would be around from now on, her absense left the series missing something. Unless she changes somehow, I don't see how Peter can allow her to live, the fact that she "Hulks out" into Carnage and is probably homicidal (it wouldn't be Carnage otherwise) pretty much negates her presence in Peter's life.
Between the DOUBLE SIZED issue that had only a few extra pages, and the contrived nature of everything, I was a little let down. ...BUT this was the first arc in a while that I felt like Bendis was at least TRYING. Sixty issue of filler until 100 is a bit much for me.

I'm not crazy about the result, but to be fair, for the first time in a long time, I'm impressed with the effort.

I'd like this to ba a new start for the title
Not so much the actual "sex" of the creature, but more body type. I base it on the fact that 616 Carnage is male, so this version is compared to that in my mind. When it reverts to normal, it keeps the male body type it had the first time, even though it's outer shell is female. To me that means it's a "male" at the core, even though traditional meanings of sex don't really apply to it - but it's the same thing with Ultimate Vision. No sex really, just the male/female body it's normal form has.

Even though I expected it, I'm bummed Gwen is Carnage. I really hoped she would be around from now on, her absense left the series missing something. Unless she changes somehow, I don't see how Peter can allow her to live, the fact that she "Hulks out" into Carnage and is probably homicidal (it wouldn't be Carnage otherwise) pretty much negates her presence in Peter's life.

Well Hulk did learn to control it so maybe sh can too. Beside she be attacking robots they aint alive.Also Peter wouldnt Kill Gwen-Carnage becouse it looks like gwen....if anything Fury would.

And i agree with the Carnage looking male but...Carnage with Boobs would be weird.
I was a bit underwhelmed. The actual comic book was only 32 pages and, while that's ten pages more than a regular one, it didn't seem all that impressive to me. In fact, the whole issue wasn't that impressive; if this were any other issue, maybe a 4/5, but this is the 100TH issue. There should have been lots of IMPORTANT stuff happening. What I read was a very good issue with lots of talking, backstory, and almost no major events. Sure, we know what happened to Peter's dad- but that entire 13 page soliloqy could have been majorly cut down to leave more room for more things.
Don't get me wrong- I loved this issue. It's just that, for a 100th issue in a comic book line that I don't think anybody thought would make it that far,this seriously underperformed. Only two major things happened in this issue- Peter's dad's lengthy explanation of his past, and Gwen turning into Carnage. Other than that, the rest was filler. Bendis once again stalled in telling us what I can only assume is Ultimate Kaine's plans for MJ. He once again stalled in telling us what the deal is with all of the clones.
Oh well. This is still the best USM arc in a long time, and like I said before, if this wasn't the 100th issue, it would have recieved a 4/5 from me. However, it instead recieves, in my opinion, a 3/5.
PS- Does this take place after Ultimates 2? Because if it does, shouldn't Nick Fury not have an arm? I gues it could be a robot arm, but do you really think Fury would trust himself to use a robot arm when he has a perfectly good left arm:D ?
What the heck are you talking about? That made no sense whatsoever.

In Carnage's first appearance in USM, its revealed he is a clone of peters father.

Pters dads DNA = male DNA, so I'm assuming the clone would be male also.
In Carnage's first appearance in USM, its revealed he is a clone of peters father.

Pters dads DNA = male DNA, so I'm assuming the clone would be male also.
I see what you mean. You are implying that Peter is a clone of his father as well, correct? That would logically make sense because Carnage was formed from Peter's DNA, so how could Richard come from that? The only thing they used from Richard was some techniques from the Venom Project.
I see what you mean. You are implying that Peter is a clone of his father as well, correct? That would logically make sense because Carnage was formed from Peter's DNA, so how could Richard come from that? The only thing they used from Richard was some techniques from the Venom Project.

Doesnt mean that some of Richard's DNA could have been kept to continue the project
I see what you mean. You are implying that Peter is a clone of his father as well, correct? That would logically make sense because Carnage was formed from Peter's DNA, so how could Richard come from that?

I don't think he's implying that at all (and he's right - if anything Carnage would be considered male because he's a clone of a male).

Carnage was not cloned from Peter's DNA - it was cloned from Richard's, and whatever blanks in the DNA code had to be filled in they were taken from Peter since he would be a close genetic match (or as close as they would be able to get without having the actual Richard).
Hmm... I've had time to marinate with the issue for a couple of days now, and toy with a few ideas I had.

Towards the end of the conversation, (just before Nick arrived with his army of H.E.R.B.I.E's-on-'roids,) I think Richard knew the jig was up and almost told Peter what he wanted to know. Taking just those few words, one can infer a lot.

"Keep in mind, you were never supposed to see her..." I'm paraphrasing here, of course, but even if he managed to nab Gwen's corpse and reanimate her, it was only for convienience.(sp?) He may not have known what the result of the experimentation on her would have been, but afterwards he knew what he and the C.I.A. had on their hands - a genetic cocktail attack dog... a Hulk-Lite.

Gwen doesn't stay put, however. She escapes from wherever she is held, (lending to the belief hat she's really not aware of what she is doing as Carnage,) and goes to the first place she can think of. Her home. She lucked out Peter was there when he was, or I think she would have been picked up and shipped back to the lab. Chaos ensues, and enter Richard Parker, fully suited to the task of wrangling their no doubt expensive and valuable speciman in.

Should this particular theory pan out, (and I think it might,) Richard Parker's motives are no longer ambiguous, they veer straight into immorality. Sure, he was paid by the C.I.A. to develop such a thing, but appearing to his Son under the pretense of assisting him is simply horrible. Someone, (who I don't think is Richard,) is seriously screwing with Peter, and this will only add to the weight he is already struggling with. I think in the next issue Peter is going to have to protect Gwen/Carnage as much as battle her/it, and we just might get an idea of how big this whole conspiracy is.

Fury knows something.

Richard knows something.

And Peter will be too busy trying to save someone beyond saving.
Okay, I'm probably (as usual) reading way too much into this, but what the hell, it's fun to speculate.

In the issue there are a few sketches done by Bagley with little commentaries. There are a couple of generic poses of Spidey and the commentary reads "These next couple pages are just some random covers Mark put together for us to use as needed... but we never got around to using them, and it seemed like a real shame to leave them unseen!"

Is there a reason they couldn't have been used further down the line, since they are just generic poses of Spidey, much like many covers they've used in the past? Is there gonna be some kind of a drastic change to Spidey's look that leaves these covers ususable? Huh? HUH?
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Okay, I'm probably (as usual) reading way too much into this, but what the hell, it's fun to speculate.

In the issue there are a few sketches done by Bagley with little commentaries. There are a couple of generic poses of Spidey and the commentary reads "These next couple pages are just some random covers Mark put together for us to use as needed... but we never got around to using them, and it seemed like a real shame to leave them unseen!"

Is there a reason they couldn't have been used further down the line, since they are just generic poses of Spidey, much like many covers they've used in the past? Is there gonna be some kind of a drastic change to Spidey's look that leaves these covers ususable? Huh? HUH?

Isn't the artest of the series leaving so covers will have new art on.

i think i might be wrong lord knows i normally am when it comes to comics but thats my guess.

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