Ultimate Spider-Friends?

This is the silliest argument I've been in on a comic book site and also the most frustrating... Why not get back on track here? :)

I think that Firestar should be introduced soon in the actual Spider-Man title and Iceman's relationship should be built soon, too, to get this arc done and done.
The only bad thing is waiting fot the next issue to show up.

"I consider this a challenge."
How do we REALLY know that the Ultimate Spidey and Friends are really showing up? Waiting for the next issue means nothing unless we have solid proof that this is happening. This issue brings us a few issues closer to Hob-Goblin, though, which I am anticipating like crazy. Continue that in "Life After Carnage".
Well Bendis said that we would see Ultimate Spider-friends.

"I Consider this a challenge."

icemastertron said:
Well Bendis said that we would see Ultimate Spider-friends.
He also said Gwen would be Carnage. By the way, can you get rid of the double signature? It would appear you're inserting it manually, because it appears in Topic Review, when nobody else's does. It's all good that you consider typing on here a challenge, but we don't need to hear it twice. ;)
I am on topic. I'm merely pointing out that you can't take everything Bendis says seriously. Unless #64 is going to have Carnage assuming Gwen-form. Or Gwen comes back from the dead as another Carnage.
I agree he's on topic - he's just making a point. A good one at that.
Look, im sorry. But i was typing it in manualy at first. Then i figured out that i didnt need to do that. But i didnt know hat it would put it to ALL my posts. Okay, sorry to go off topic.
Look, im sorry. But i was typing it in manualy at first.

That's not what I was agreeing with...but it's OK; no need to explain.

I was agreeing with him bringing up Bendis' handling of Gwen/Carnage.

OK, back on topic....
I was just a little thrown off because this wasn't in the "Bendis shouldn't always be taken seriously thread"... Pssh...
You really shouldn't. USM #50 for instance.
Brian Bendis said:
Q: Will Peter and Gwen's relationship become more complicated, or will they just remain friends?
A: Or Gwen will become Carn-oops.
He also claims that he pays a couple of neighborhood kids to come up with the issue titles. He also said that Ben Reilly was NEVER going to appear, and then goes on to say that he would put Ben Reilly in and have Doc Ock drop a safe on him and kill him in the next panel. And yet... open up USM #61, and what do we see?

I'm not going to keep going with this, but since icemastertron goes into every topic possible to try and discuss Iceman, I don't feel terribly out of line by putting this in here.

Just accept it folks... Brian's statements are about as credible as George Bush's. We may see the Amazing Friends, we may not. We may see the Amazing Friends be Firestar and someone else, or we may get Iceman and Firestar. The only thing we know for certain is that we have a Wolverine arc, a F4 arc with the Human Torch, a Doc Strange appearance, and then Hobgoblin. Personally, I don't think Bendis actually thinks any further into the future... and the writers in UXM are having too much fun with Bobby to loan him out to Bendis for a few issues. Not to mention, why would Spidey want a sidekick who gets smacked down in one hit by Gambit?

Can we get this closed or something until we actually have any credible information?
Wo, hold it there J.!! What the hell do you mean I create a topic just to discuss Iceman anyway possible?! Thats just bull! I only created this that involves Iceman! The X-Men ones ofcourse are going to involve Iceman, and the rest of the X-Men aswell. You need to watch what you read and calm down! And you really need to think things out. Gambit does have powerful energy when he releases it. And Iceman is still a kid so he doesnt know when he should defend or what he could do to do it. You want this closed fine! This was only created to talk about the possibilty of an ultimate version of the Amazing Friends, and how what we would want to see it happen if it did. You sure act like an ignorant person!! :evil:

Oh and by the way, my signature does not mean posting here is a challenge! Its a line from a comedy show that I just use here! :evil:

Okay, sorry to get off topic....

icemastertron said:
Wo, hold it there J.!! What the hell do you mean I create a topic just to discuss Iceman anyway possible?! Thats just bull!
Must I remind you that you took advantage of the Ultimate Jim Rhodes topic to bring up Iceman, and then proceeded to complain when nobody responded to you?
icemastertron said:
And when the Ult. Defenders come along, would they ultimize some of the old members? Or bring one in that already ultimized, (i.e. Iceman)?
And two days later after we ignored you to stay on topic...
icemastertron said:
And when the Ult. Defenders come along, would they ultimize some of the old members? Or bring one in that already ultimized, (i.e. Iceman)?
Uh... doesnt anyone want to say something about this?
And considering I said you go into topics, not create topics, I find it funny you call me ignorant. Interesting Freudian slip. Feeling a little guilty?
If he wanted to discuss Iceman he would have made an Iceman topic. Geez, the guys allowed to have a favourite character!
Take your corners! Listen, J, there was speculation about having an Ultimate Spider and Friends... You are right in saying that this may or may not be true, but is just as much a topic to discuss as Morbius or the Hob-Goblin. We're tossing around ideas until the actual thing is given to us. Yes, any evidence of this kinda thing happening remains to be unseen, but let them have a go at it for a while.
Chill out guys.

Har har. I made an Iceman funny.
Look J. if somethingt I disvuss about deals with Iceman one way or another, then i'll bring him up.l If it doesnt, then I wont. That whats i have been doing. Look up all my posts and find out. And by the way, no i dont feel guilty, because theres nothing to feel guilty about. :x

Now please, these threads arent for arguing like this. Could we please just discuss what the topic is about?!