From the Bendis boards, in all his usual typo-rific glory, Bendis discusses the delay on
Ultimate Secret:
Gotta Confess Something- Ultimate Secret Delay My Fault
i was out of town when the news hit so i didn't see the uproar till it was too late, but i have to take the hit for the ultimate secret mini delay.
i told marvel i could do the NA sentry arc in three issues. i had laid out my scenes and had it all worked out and had jenkins blessing but writing isn't an exact science. in fact, science isn't an exact science. its writing, its organic. and as i kept writing i thought of new ideas and new scenes, and
scenes i had got tossed for new scenes and before i knew it i needed an extra issue. i tried to cram it all into the three issues, but it did not work.
i came to marvel yalmaka in hand and told them i needed the forth issue. i knew things were tight for steve but i didn't know exactly what the schedule was. we toyed with a fill in or having finch finish the story, but steve's work is so unique that a fill in would be glaring.
so though it was ultimately marvel's desicion to keep steve on the story, i do take the responsiblity for it because i said i could do one thing for them and could not. i would have never done this to any of you on purpose and i am sorry.
for the record warren was unbelievably gracous about it and the reason steve wasn't getting bumped is because he is doing this level of comic book art....
thanks for understanding. in the long run itll all work out.
hey when i was a kid i had to wait a year and a half for the final issue of camelot 3000. so...