Ultimate Sauron

Russian Tank

Jul 24, 2005
Magneto's apparently rather good at genetics if he managed to create the creature roaming around the Savage Lands. And since he finds humans inferior, what if he experimented on one, or many or that matter, just like humans do to chimps. Thus a human and dinosaur splice.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Did anyone get the impression from the preview that Wanda is responsible for the appearance of The Savage Land and all of it's creatures?

Somehow my ideas are always shot down. Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!
TheManWithoutFear said:
Doesn't have to be... just because Wanda creates them doesn't make them fake.

Your idea still stands.
Giggidy giggidy giggidy. I hope it doesn't though. I hate Sauron.
icemastertron said:
For the Savage Land Mutates, yes. But that hasnt been established yet in the UU, far as I know.
Lol well since I no absolutely nothing about 616 I was pretty sure that it was in UU. See? This is why I said I was the confused one.
I'm pretty sure Magneto created all the life in the savage land, some hobby regarding starting evolution again from scratch. Kinda thing I'd do if I had an island of death and billions of bucks spare. (Cue rabbit joke.... anyone?)

Well, wanda says she helped raise them, so I don't think she actually had a hand in the creation, she saw them as pets more like.

And Sauron, he bites. I say Wanda does a "spell" and turns some guy into Sauron for a giggle.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think it could be a result of Magneto's experiments and the Dinosaurs... some of them get smarter...

Woah that's a bad plot for JP3...
JP3 already HAD a bad plot.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think it could be a result of Magneto's experiments and the Dinosaurs... some of them get smarter...

Woah that's a bad plot for JP3...
Or like that LL Cool J thing with sharks.
To give Sauron any credibility at all, it HAS to be tied in to Doc Conners somehow.
Guijllons said:
Or like that LL Cool J thing with sharks.
To give Sauron any credibility at all, it HAS to be tied in to Doc Conners somehow.
I believe that'd make Conners....a very hated person in UU.
I'm sure it would, and I think he deserves more page time, I think he's got a lot of potential.
Though I don't really know an awful lot about sauron, I don't think I've ever read a comic with him in, only seen him in the sunday morning cartoons after a heavy night out.
Guijllons said:
I'm sure it would, and I think he deserves more page time, I think he's got a lot of potential.
Though I don't really know an awful lot about sauron, I don't think I've ever read a comic with him in, only seen him in the sunday morning cartoons after a heavy night out.
I saw a human/dinosaur once too! Dude! It was also after a heavy night out! :shock: