(616) Doom is driven by three goals in life. First, the liberation of his mother from Hell: Doom possesses strong Oedipal fixations on his mother. Because Doom finds such thoughts unacceptable, he sanitizes them by externalizing the blame onto the rest of the world. He thus feels the rest of the world is flawed.
His second objective is the domination of the world. Doom believes that he is the only person with enough intelligence and wisdom to bring order to the entire planet. His relatively successful leadership of Latveria only serves to affirm this belief.
His third objective is to bring about the destruction/defeat of Reed Richards, who later became Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four. Doom cannot accept the idea that Richards may be anything more than his inferior, and defeating him would prove that to himself.
It's not a stretch to consider that Doom suffers three different personality disorders to a certain degree. He is quite possibly a narcissistic and paranoid personality with an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
When Ellis, a British scribe known for his negative attitudes toward superheroes and his penchant for esoteric scientific research, re-imagined Doom he decided to emphasize the conflict between Richards and Doom by highlighting their epistemic differences as scientists. This provides us with a more complex and richer material upon which to base our diagnosis of his psychopathology than the material authored by Lee and Kirby.
Richards designs an experimental transportation device that moves things through the N-Zone as a way of crossing distance. Doom believes that Richards' formulas are flawed, so he rewrites the coordinates which results in an accident. Instead of just transporting an apple, the transporter takes Richards, Doom and four others into the N-Zone and as a result, their bodies are altered. Months later, Richards muses:
"I didn't get the numbers wrong, Dr. Storm. I've been over it and over it. The N-Zone translation should have been perfect. But he insisted the schematic was flawed. And I thought we settled it. I was right. I know I was right. But he would just walk in and change things without saying anything. He did it the first time we met… I knew phase-space theory and he didn't. He thought it was flawed because he didn't understand it and he wouldn't admit it to me or himself."
Doom suffers from a paranoid personality because of his deep mistrust of others. He sees himself as a blameless individual and as such, his approach to life is one of defensive projection: he cannot be wrong, so everyone else must be wrong. He reacts to constructive criticism as attempts to demean him or undermine his self-worth.
In Ellis' reinvention, Doom does not believe that science is a system of knowledge but a self-ordained instinct for truth, while this is not necessarily cause for psychological concern, Doom uses this to justify all his actions. It is the drive for his lack of responsibility as a scientist and his inability to admit his own flaws.