Ultimate Quasar


Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004
Ultimate Quasar Vol.1: High​

His name is Wendell Vaughn.

On one of his 'annual-get-high-nights', Wendell experiences a vision. In this vision he speaks with an 'alien' who says 'it' is a member of the Shi'ar, a universal organization dedicated to helping the universe. During this vision, Wendell is given a pair of bracelets, called the 'Negative Bands'.

The next day, Wendell wakes up with a massive headache. Pondering over whether or not the encounter happened, he prepares to go about his normal life in San Francisco. However, his plans are put on hold as he discovers the Negative Bands are real. Slipping the bracelets on, Wendell experiences a surge of power. As he glows with energy, a voice speaks to him and tells him how to use his powers. 'It' calls itself 'Quasar'.

Wendell uses his new-found powers to become a superhero, calling himself Quasar after the energy flowing through him. However, as there are currently no super-villains in San Francisco for him to fight, he is forced to stop petty criminals and fight thugs.

One day, after chasing a bank robber, Wendell loses control of his powers and vaporizes the escapee. When he gets home, he discovers that he's losing control and attempts to pull the bracelets off, but to no success.

Nick Fury, using the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites, manages to track down Wendell and has a meeting with him. Fury wants to examine the Negative Bands and possibly duplicate them. With him is Reed Richards, the leader of the Fantastic Four. Fury and Richards want to take Wendell to the Triskelion and research about him. Wendell refuses, and using his power, he escapes.

As he attempts to escape the city, he uses his energy to blast Captain America out of the way. Iron Man tackles him, but Wendell rams him into a wall. Wendell is struck by lightning, and crashes into the ground. Thor tells him to not be foolish and before Wendell has a change to retaliate, Reed Richards wraps around him, constricting him. Wendell attempts to charge himself, but Reed tells him he risks self-destructing and blowing up the entire city. Wendell powers down and Fury says good boy. He then knocks him out with his gun.

Wendell awakes in the Triskelion without the Negative Bands. In front of him is the alien being from before. It tells Wendell that he failed, and that the earth is now doomed to the 'Devourer of Worlds'. Wendell asks the alien what he done to him, and the alien simply responds by saying that obviously humanity cannot handle simple Kree technology. It then disappears.

Later on, Wendell is awoken by the voice in his head. He thinks its Quasar, but it's not. He thinks he is drugged, as he seems to be walking through space, against his will. He is being dragged towards a planet, none that he has ever seen before. The planet talks to Wendell telepathically and tells Wendell its name is Ego and that everything is now alright…
BTW, I created a game called the Character Premise Game, which only me and Compound have been playing. I suggested Howard the Duck for him to ultimize and he did. He suggested Quasar, and after a long while I finally thought up a good idea. That's some background info for you.
Strong plotting, over-all. Just a few minor niggles:

* You tied Quasar's story with existing continuity perfectly! It doesn't actually matter whether this happens before or after Secret -- if it's after, then the heroes already know of Gah Lak Tus, but they're naturally keeping mum about it (this being a matter of planetary security and all). If it's before Secret, then it just means that SHIELD would have been quietly anticipating Mar-Vell's appearance.

* Yay for casual stoner heroes!!! :crazy:

* I believe there ought to be some kind of basic character-related explanation for Wendell being the recipient of the bands, as opposed to anyone else on earth. Would-be saviors of the galaxy don't just award gifts of tremendous power to ordinary boys for no reason (well, unless your name happens to be Kyle Rayner... but let's not get into THAT).

* It would probably suffice to have some exposition about how the bands work, in relation to anti-matter and 'negative energy', during Wendell's inital hallucination. The phrase 'Negative Bands' just sounds hokey.

* The reference to the Shi'Ar (by name) is rather unnecessary as well. By all means, use them the way you intended -- I like the 'is it real or not?' ambiguity. But they could easily say something cryptic like 'our names are irrelevant', or 'there is no way to speak our name in your argot'.

* I'd prefer to leave it vague, whether or not the last sequence is really happening. Maybe you could end it on a 'pretty panel' of Wendell's apartment building -- he could be inside, drugged or dreaming, or he could be in thr starry sky above, being summoned by Ego. Leave it up to the reader to decide?
compound said:
Strong plotting, over-all. Just a few minor niggles:

* You tied Quasar's story with existing continuity perfectly! It doesn't actually matter whether this happens before or after Secret -- if it's after, then the heroes already know of Gah Lak Tus, but they're naturally keeping mum about it (this being a matter of planetary security and all). If it's before Secret, then it just means that SHIELD would have been quietly anticipating Mar-Vell's appearance.

* Yay for casual stoner heroes!!! :crazy:

* I believe there ought to be some kind of basic character-related explanation for Wendell being the recipient of the bands, as opposed to anyone else on earth. Would-be saviors of the galaxy don't just award gifts of tremendous power to ordinary boys for no reason (well, unless your name happens to be Kyle Rayner... but let's not get into THAT).

* It would probably suffice to have some exposition about how the bands work, in relation to anti-matter and 'negative energy', during Wendell's inital hallucination. The phrase 'Negative Bands' just sounds hokey.

* The reference to the Shi'Ar (by name) is rather unnecessary as well. By all means, use them the way you intended -- I like the 'is it real or not?' ambiguity. But they could easily say something cryptic like 'our names are irrelevant', or 'there is no way to speak our name in your argot'.

* I'd prefer to leave it vague, whether or not the last sequence is really happening. Maybe you could end it on a 'pretty panel' of Wendell's apartment building -- he could be inside, drugged or dreaming, or he could be in thr starry sky above, being summoned by Ego. Leave it up to the reader to decide?

Great ideas from the master!
Also, I would put in that Wendell was in a mental hospital when he was younger for schizophrenic hallucinatory episodes, which would put some more mystery into it and also introduce another reason as to why SHIELD wants him taken down.
Doc Comic said:
Also, I would put in that Wendell was in a mental hospital when he was younger for schizophrenic hallucinatory episodes, which would put some more mystery into it and also introduce another reason as to why SHIELD wants him taken down.
Borrows too many elements from Thor's back-story, I'm afraid.

ProjectX2 said:
One day, after chasing a bank robber, Wendell loses control of his powers and vaporizes the escapee.
I think that kind of display of power is enough to attract SHIELD's attention. Besides, the use of the bands qualify as an 'Illegal or Unauthorized Genetic Mutation', and thus subject to SHIELD's jurisdiction, anyway. No point adding extra background details, when the original plot will suffice.
So have you thought about rewriting Quasar's history since we found out that Wendell Vaughn works security at Project Pegasus in the Ultimate Powers series.
With regards wendall vaughn from project pegasus, I imagine they have an idea of how to turn him into Quasar..if he's exposed to various confistcated government material say...they might introduce him in ultimates one day or give him a mini series...maybe even a crossover with newuniversal...probably won't happen for a long while tho.