Ultimate Nullifier speculation (Ult. Nightmare #5 spoilers)

icemastertron said:
Austin Powers, eh? :lol:

No, they're all like that.

(insert rim shot here) :wink:
UltimateE said:
Or, how about this - instead of an obese American, they show a Brit with really bad teeth!


You've made a powerful enemy today, old friend...
TheManWithoutFear said:
I don't think we're going to see an Ultimate Nullifier at all.

This was just an idea I had. I really don't think anything close to what I talked about will actually happen.
moonmaster said:
This was just an idea I had. I really don't think anything close to what I talked about will actually happen.

Oh, nothing against ideas. But I was thinkin' about the idea of the nullifier itself and how primitive it was. It's like kryptonite. Only one thing could defeat him? Ya know what I'm sayin'.

But Nope nothing against your idea. Just the idea it was based off of.
Bass said:
You've made a powerful enemy today, old friend...

Hey, I'm allowed to fight broad generalizations with broad generalizations. :D
Like, totally, like I totally like tipex my teeth, like totally!

maybe Gah Lak Tus would be one of them funny valley girl types that all American women aspire to be :D
Guijllons said:
maybe Gah Lak Tus would be one of them funny valley girl types that all American women aspire to be :D

Ah-ha - Guij wants to play too... :twisted:
UltimateE said:
Hey, I'm allowed to fight broad generalizations with broad generalizations. :D
Ooh, ooh, can i join in, They're only broad generalizations if they aren't true. I'm pretty sure there are more obese americans than there are people in Oceania though.

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