Ultimate Nightmare continuity

If I was Xavier I would send these people...
Colossus: Because he's Russian.
Marvel Girl: Because of her psychic abilities.
And probably Wolverine: Someone who can kill people that get in their way.

Same for The Ultimates...
Black Widow: She's Russian.
Captain America: A leader guy.
And probably Thor: Someone powerful for backup.
Project: Thor is a huge liability because he's allied with the US, but is still a citizen of.. Norway, was it? Fury was trying to sneak in under the radar. If something big goes public, with Widow, Cap, and Falcon, it's all Americans, so it's just a US/Russian scandal. If it was Widow, Cap, and Thor, it'd be a multi-national scandal.
ProjectX2 said:
If I was Xavier I would send these people...
Colossus: Because he's Russian.
Marvel Girl: Because of her psychic abilities.
And probably Wolverine: Someone who can kill people that get in their way.


X, Xavier is a pacifist, his last wish is to kill people. Im guessing Wolverine cause of he can tell whats ahead and warn the others, he can also do some damage but I dont think he wants to kill. In Return to Weapon X, Thats what he tells Jean. "We are not killers."
Yes but now even Phoenix has killed people. It's getting to be inevitable. At least Logan can do it and not have issues after it. Colossus might, but we've seen him use the steel to save himself; I haven't seen him exhibit any distinctly homocidal behavior.
BUt Jean dosent have her Phoneix power 100% developed yet. A times it takes controll over her but not always maybe like 2 percent of the time.
jtg3885 said:
And whether or not she IS in control, she takes the deaths personally. Wolverine doesn't.

That's true. Remember in the ROTK arc, Wolverine injured and killed a lot of soldiers and didn't give a damn that he was supposed to keep a low profile.
hmmmmm....I dont think she really cared in UXM #25. Did she? she didnt seem to be sad. She did during Bendis' run but I think thats it!
Well, she wasn't in control of herself remember? And if you read in the "New Mutants" arc (I believe it was), when she killed a soldier in a helicopter, and after it, she broke down because she killed someone.
I was talking about if Wolverine was in a kill or be killed situation. Xavier would want it to happen peacefully as it's pretty much an observation or rescue. Having seen the cover of number 5, it's not going to go peacefully. I guess your right about Thor, if Falcon wasn't introduced who would go? Hawkeye?
No, they brought Sam because he was a scientist and they couldn't get clearance for the massive support team that Tony needs to operate as Iron Man. If he wasn't available, my guess would have been Janet, because both her and Hank are scientists, but Janet's powers would work anywhere, whereas Hank needs space for him to grow.

And personally, I'd guess she was talking to Nightcrawler. Both he and Wolverine have killed (I think), but given Jean's feelings regarding Wolverine, I think Nightcrawler is a safer bet. And since Nightcrawler's missions with Weapon X weren't exactly of his own free will, he'd probably be an excellent resource on dealing with Phoenix-based guilt.
Yes, Nightcrawler and Wolverine have killed plenty. Those two have killed the most amount of people, just in the Weapon X arc, you know that right, guys?
Outside of Ultimates #8 vs. Ultimate War #1, what else is there for continuity quirks?

This isnt a quirk. If you read Ultimates#8 and then War#1 after it makes sense. In war black widow already knew quicksilver and scarlet witch. She was just acting like that because they were facing magneto and didnt know if they could be trusted against there father.
I'll have to check again, but I coulda sworn that the way it's written portrays them as entering SHIELD for the first time.
i think they're talking betweeen themselves in the elevator and mention how they "must be crazy" or something to be working for SHEILD while their father is SHIELD's main target during this story arc. Also, in terms of the Ult. Nightmare continuity issues, check out the Ultimate Timeline thread here:


From what I've gathered from various sources, Ult. Nightmare, Secret, and the third part of the trilogy occur before Ultimates 2, but after Ultimates Vol. 1 (obviously), UW, US, etc. Just check out the timeline, it makes sense of all their appearances (even the Ultimates/Ultimate Adventures appearance).
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I actually thought they were walking into SHIELD for the first time, too. And, remember that he was healed by the end of the ROTK arc... The plot thickens...

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