Ultimate MoonKnight Vs. Ultimate Daredevil (Why isn't Lindelof writing this instead?)

Ultimate Daredevil or Ultimate MoonKnight

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Goodwill said:
If I say yes, it's a joke... Would you laugh?
And I let out a sigh of relief. Than I'd say "You almost had me there!", give you a pat on the back, and go out for some ice-cream.
Re: Ultimate MoonKnight Vs. Ultimate Daredevil (Why isn't Lindelof writing this inste

TheManWithoutFear said:
And MoonKnight is obviously a crazy amateur.
Crazy yes, Amature no. 616 Moon KNight was a beast of a Merc long before he started beating up muggers. Now I don't know that much about Ultiamte Moon Knight (Waiting for the hardcover) but if he's anything like 616 he's wrecking DD. Plus he's got a better costume :wink:
Re: Ultimate MoonKnight Vs. Ultimate Daredevil (Why isn't Lindelof writing this inste

Baxter said:
Crazy yes, Amature no. 616 Moon KNight was a beast of a Merc long before he started beating up muggers. Now I don't know that much about Ultiamte Moon Knight (Waiting for the hardcover) but if he's anything like 616 he's wrecking DD. Plus he's got a better costume :wink:

I mean in terms of the superhero business he's an amateur. He's written to be sloppy even if he's ex-CIA.
He's not as sloppy as you're making him sound to be. Spider-Man is pretty used to the superhero stuff, however, he was thrown from a window on a squad car. What kind of **** is that? You'd think it was ****ing amateur hour with Spider-Man, don't diss Moonknight for nothing... ;)
DD doesn't even like Spider-Man. Why would he do that? Why would he leave Hell's Kitchen is a better question... It would seem forced if Moonknight just randomly shows up in Hell's Kitchen or is led there by accident by Spider-Man or something.
Goodwill said:
DD doesn't even like Spider-Man. Why would he do that? Why would he leave Hell's Kitchen is a better question... It would seem forced if Moonknight just randomly shows up in Hell's Kitchen or is led there by accident by Spider-Man or something.
Daredevil doesn't like Spider-Man but he knows he's just a kid. Daredevil wouldn't just let Spider-Man get taken down by some pyscho. Think about this scenerio. Moon Knight gets a one up on Spider-Man and now Spider-Man is hurt and on the run from SHIELD/MK and stumbles into Hell's Kitchen... take it from there.
Maybe DD has no sympathy for kids, which would be an interesting thing to see in the UU, especially with DD. In the UU, DD would've been better off a villain.
Goodwill said:
Maybe DD has no sympathy for kids, which would be an interesting thing to see in the UU, especially with DD. In the UU, DD would've been better off a villain.
You're not gonna see it happen. He helped Wolverine and was very concerned about the citizens of Hell's Kitchen. He showed compassion for both Frank Castle and the Cop that was in his office during the UTeamup. You won't get an evil Daredevil.
Well, it was a thought. It would've been different and, if done correctly, could've been an improvement. Afterall, isn't that what the UU is all about?
Goodwill said:
Well, it was a thought. It would've been different and, if done correctly, could've been an improvement. Afterall, isn't that what the UU is all about?
But, it would go against the pre-established character, which is what MWOF was pointing out here:
TheManWithoutFear said:
You're not gonna see it happen. He helped Wolverine and was very concerned about the citizens of Hell's Kitchen. He showed compassion for both Frank Castle and the Cop that was in his office during the UTeamup. You won't get an evil Daredevil.
He wasn't shooting down your idea, but showing that an evil Daredevil wouldn't have done these things.
To quote former Moon Knight writer Chuck Dixon, "Moon Knight is so low, he'd have to get on a stool to kiss Batman's butt."