Well, I just read 6 issues. We had an arc where MK and the Punisher didn't really team up, but just tried to not get in eachothers way to find the Kult of Konshu, and eventualy killed MKs brother, who wanted to ursurp him as the Avatar of Konshu, or something like that. There was a little mystical elemnts, but nothing that couldn't be explained without magic. The second arc was MK vrs the good Doctor Doom. Apparently Spectorcorp found an amulet that was Doom's mammies, and he wanted it back. Hyjincks ensued.
So what have I learned. Moon Knight has mystical connections, but other than his supposed ressurection, wich can be in doubt anyway since there was one person there, and she might not have been educated enough to know if he was really dead. He's go no powers so far, but at the end of the lst issue he was... well, rotting. He's got Stark Level resources, owning a full city block of New York to build his base in. And he's got an assistant named Frenchie. Who's been crippled. Maybe more than once, I;m missing a few issues. He seemed to have gotten better, then bam, crippled again.
The next Arc I have is an infinity war tie in, so I'm a little hesitant to read it. More to come.