The Timeline Guy
Updated for UXM #100 and Ultimatum #3.
The limited series (and the UXM and to some degree the UFF arcs). USM (the current and past few arcs) have all been nice, fun, and exciting reads. Its definitely regained the momentum it had been lacking since...oh, around issue #40.
Ultimatum (the limited, #1-5) is nothing more than a spit in the face of everything the Ultimate universe started out as. Its like the era of mid-90's comics suddenly invaded my Ultimate universe...and I don't like that, not one bit.
were the 90s really this bad?
well sure, the 90s was full of comic crap
there was a lot of crap with foil covers and a lot of crap crossed-over between every title Marvel had going, and a lot of crap that just had Wolverine thrown in for no reason, but i can't think of any stories that were comparable to Ultimatum in shear crappy-ness
crap cake
Its like a crab-cake, but with slightly more of a nutty and tangy flavor.
Its like a crab-cake, but with slightly more of a nutty and tangy flavor.
J. Agamemnon said:like semen.
i'll take your word for it
...i'll take your word for it as well![]()
like semen.
curse yoooooou Dameon Lindelof and your non-linear story telling!
Whatever the case may be, I'll put the numbers in chronoloogical order for the greater good of timeline enthusiasts everywhere. I'm glad Linelof is the man behind the curtain of one of the last Ultimate mini's (though it didn't start that way), as the beginning of the end of the Ultimate verse is otherwise plotted by the constant idiot Loeb. The best that can be said is its a nice balance, like fire + water. At least one of them can write a decent story...Leob seems to spend no more than three minutes per script, and doesn't bother to peel back the whole truth of a character...certainly not greatest hits material. I just hope the quality of UWvsH is the shape of things to come for the Ultimate universe with Millar coming back, as opposed to Loeb's jughead approach which if continued would leave the Ultimate verse confirmed dead. In fact, the Ultimate universe got really bad when Millar left...Mark, its all because you left. How could you, Mark, turning your back on the universe you helped create...just left behind you, abandoned, adrift on the seas of hack writing. Certainly, I do not regret his return, thats for sure. Its a long-awaited homecoming, and this solitary writer will hopefully bring something special back to the Ultimate verse. And Mr. Millar, if you ever leave the Ultimate verse again, please leave some story ideas or further instructions for the less capable fill-ins (looking at you Loeb) to pilot the universe in a worthy way, instead of the every man for himself approach currently being used. Put the bad storytelling and characterization into lockdown.hey, whatever happens, happens
Whatever the case may be, I'll put the numbers in chronoloogical order for the greater good of timeline enthusiasts everywhere. I'm glad Linelof is the man behind the curtain of one of the last Ultimate mini's (though it didn't start that way), as the beginning of the end of the Ultimate verse is otherwise plotted by the constant idiot Loeb. The best that can be said is its a nice balance, like fire + water. At least one of them can write a decent story...Leob seems to spend no more than three minutes per script, and doesn't bother to peel back the whole truth of a character...certainly not greatest hits material. I just hope the quality of UWvsH is the shape of things to come for the Ultimate universe with Millar coming back, as opposed to Loeb's jughead approach which if continued would leave the Ultimate verse confirmed dead. In fact, the Ultimate universe got really bad when Millar left...Mark, its all because you left. How could you, Mark, turning your back on the universe you helped create...just left behind you, abandoned, adrift on the seas of hack writing. Certainly, I do not regret his return, thats for sure. Its a long-awaited homecoming, and this solitary writer will hopefully bring something special back to the Ultimate verse. And Mr. Millar, if you ever leave the Ultimate verse again, please leave some story ideas or further instructions for the less capable fill-ins (looking at you Loeb) to pilot the universe in a worthy way, instead of the every man for himself approach currently being used. Put the bad storytelling and characterization into lockdown.
Whatever the case may be, I'll put the numbers in chronoloogical order for the greater good of timeline enthusiasts everywhere. I'm glad Linelof is the man behind the curtain of one of the last Ultimate mini's (though it didn't start that way), as the beginning of the end of the Ultimate verse is otherwise plotted by the constant idiot Loeb. The best that can be said is its a nice balance, like fire + water. At least one of them can write a decent story...Leob seems to spend no more than three minutes per script, and doesn't bother to peel back the whole truth of a character...certainly not greatest hits material. I just hope the quality of UWvsH is the shape of things to come for the Ultimate universe with Millar coming back, as opposed to Loeb's jughead approach which if continued would leave the Ultimate verse confirmed dead. In fact, the Ultimate universe got really bad when Millar left...Mark, its all because you left. How could you, Mark, turning your back on the universe you helped create...just left behind you, abandoned, adrift on the seas of hack writing. Certainly, I do not regret his return, thats for sure. Its a long-awaited homecoming, and this solitary writer will hopefully bring something special back to the Ultimate verse. And Mr. Millar, if you ever leave the Ultimate verse again, please leave some story ideas or further instructions for the less capable fill-ins (looking at you Loeb) to pilot the universe in a worthy way, instead of the every man for himself approach currently being used. Put the bad storytelling and characterization into lockdown.
are you kidding me?
how long did this take you?
It must have taken more than three minutes. I'm so astounded it's going to take me at least 316 days toget over it, 268 days just to get my orientation and the other 48 days to come up with a good response. Seriously, clever posts like this can influence hearts and minds. The whole truth is that you're so cool that you make me feel out of place, like a stranger in a strange land. Do these posts come to you like flashes before your eyes ? Like visions that you have to post as an expose of your brilliance? When I read these posts, I'm really glad you're one of us and that we aren't on a collision course. You should be royalty, we should name you the little prince, if this message board was an exodus, you would be Moses and we would all follow the leader. Teach me how to be as cool as you, i am a balnk slate, a tabula rasa, if you will.
But none of that is true, i was lying. It was all part of the long con i was pulling. Do you know what the lie was? I don't think that highly of you, actually, you're kind of a jughead.