Well-Known Member
I've always felt that Ultimate Team-Up IS continuity but is out of continuity the moment a more 'definitive' (hardly quantifiable, I know) take on the characters and concepts are out.Guijllons said:They were written without continuity in mind, they were introducing characters willy-nilly without really considering the consequences. More effort has had to go into working them into the main continuity because they were just lame and ill-thought out.
Throwing in vampires and and the Punisher's entire history into the books without any option for ultimisation is poor work, and I feel that they would be better off had they not been written. So, we're lumped with them, issue by issue. And when each issue is resolved, I'll add it to continuity, but until then, I don't see why we should.
It's the same thing I guess as Peter Parker being into 'twist records' in the 60s but then later being a guilty fan of cheesy 80s rock, or Tony's experiences in the Vietnam War being corrected to take place in the Gulf War. I guess in that sense, comic book continuity follows a certain set of physics --- a fact is continuity until that factoid or story is retold.