Well-Known Member
I think you're all missing something. The argument here is that Magneto in the Ultimate Universe lacks depth, and is portrayed as a 2 dimensional villian with no purpose but to fight the X-Men. I say thats poppycock. Magneto is an extremist, yes, but his beliefs are routed in the most primal of human emotions. Fear. He strikes out at humans, preaching about the supiriority of mutants not just because of a conviction that his chosen people can do a better job of runing the world, but because he fears that if left unopposed Humanity will do to him just what he is trying to do to them. He's striking out in defense, before a blow has ever been thrown. His drive is for survival of his species, not for the extinction of our own. Is he a bad person? Defifnatly. Does he do horrific things in the name of his beliefs? Hell yes. Does he have no depth? Nope, Mags is doing everything he does for a reason, and its not just what you see on the surface.