Ultimate Legacy Virus (Spoilers)

My suggestion: the Ultimate Legacy Virus ought to be a mystery affliction that begins felling mutants in *exactly* the same way HIV would -- by attacking their immune system, making them prone to common, everyday diseases: coughs, colds, influenza, pneumonia, etc.

But since it also attacks normal-looking mutants, who have been keeping their powers a secret (quite understandably), or have not yet realized they *are* mutants, it now appears to be a mystery disease affecting EVERYONE - hence a SARS-like mass hysteria, people in urban areas wearing surgical masks, etc. Defintitely the kind of scenario that *might* require acknowledgement beyond UXM alone.

The reason behind this killer airborne virus? Nature itself has created an "anti-body" to resist the "unnatural" presence of the X-gene in humankind.

This explanation is consistent with the popular fan speculation that mutants in the Ultimate Universe were created by the artificial "jumpstarting" of the higher evolutionary process, by technological intervention, in order to create living bio-weapons against some future cataclysmic attack (Galactus, perhaps? Or some alien invasion?)

With this in mind, the Ultimate Legacy Virus might be considered Mother Nature's way at seeking revenge against a species (humanity) that dared to rewrite its own genetic code.
compound said:
My suggestion: the Ultimate Legacy Virus ought to be a mystery affliction that begins felling mutants in *exactly* the same way HIV would -- by attacking their immune system, making them prone to common, everyday diseases: coughs, colds, influenza, pneumonia, etc.

But since it also attacks normal-looking mutants, who have been keeping their powers a secret (quite understandably), or have not yet realized they *are* mutants, it now appears to be a mystery disease affecting EVERYONE - hence a SARS-like mass hysteria, people in urban areas wearing surgical masks, etc. Defintitely the kind of scenario that *might* require acknowledgement beyond UXM alone.

The reason behind this killer airborne virus? Nature itself has created an "anti-body" to resist the "unnatural" presence of the X-gene in humankind.

This explanation is consistent with the popular fan speculation that mutants in the Ultimate Universe were created by the artificial "jumpstarting" of the higher evolutionary process, by technological intervention, in order to create living bio-weapons against some future cataclysmic attack (Galactus, perhaps? Or some alien invasion?)

With this in mind, the Ultimate Legacy Virus might be considered Mother Nature's way at seeking revenge against a species (humanity) that dared to rewrite its own genetic code.

Nice thoughts compound :twisted:
My rules for how I want the Ultimate Legacy Virus to be:

1.) It should NOT come from the future or alternative universe or something. It's origin should be the present.

2.) It should not have been conceived as a weapon or cure. I would rather have it be a bi-product of something else (that doesn't have to be related to mutants).

3.) It should be airborn.

4.) The symtoms should be that the mutants immune system (like HIV as previous stated) and as they get sicker and sicker their powers should get more powerfull until it kills them.

5.) The first casualty should be a person that worked on the product (see point 2) and is unaware of his/hers active X-gene.

6.) The involved in the storyline shouldn't know it's origin until the end.

7.) Every Ultimate comic (Spider-Man, X-Men, Ultimates and Fantastic Four) should be involved in the story in a big way. For exemple in Ultimate Spider-Man Liz Allen could be affected some way.

8.) The story should be during 3-4 months and then end (no 8 years!).

9.) Big names should be among the casualties so it get some impact.


Rights reserved for me to change the rules.
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compound said:
My suggestion: the Ultimate Legacy Virus ought to be a mystery affliction that begins felling mutants in *exactly* the same way HIV would -- by attacking their immune system, making them prone to common, everyday diseases: coughs, colds, influenza, pneumonia, etc.

But since it also attacks normal-looking mutants, who have been keeping their powers a secret (quite understandably), or have not yet realized they *are* mutants, it now appears to be a mystery disease affecting EVERYONE - hence a SARS-like mass hysteria, people in urban areas wearing surgical masks, etc. Defintitely the kind of scenario that *might* require acknowledgement beyond UXM alone.

The reason behind this killer airborne virus? Nature itself has created an "anti-body" to resist the "unnatural" presence of the X-gene in humankind.

This explanation is consistent with the popular fan speculation that mutants in the Ultimate Universe were created by the artificial "jumpstarting" of the higher evolutionary process, by technological intervention, in order to create living bio-weapons against some future cataclysmic attack (Galactus, perhaps? Or some alien invasion?)

With this in mind, the Ultimate Legacy Virus might be considered Mother Nature's way at seeking revenge against a species (humanity) that dared to rewrite its own genetic code.

Oh I see. Nature kinda rejects mutants the way a body rejects a foreign body. I like it.

One problem I have hear though is that everybody is talking about the Legacy Virus like its the most unrealistic thing ever thought up. To me, something like the LV (a disease that only attacks certain people) seems pretty realistic. Have you ever heard of Sickle Cell Anemia. It's a blood disease that can only be inherited by African Americans.

I do understand why people treat it like its unrealistic though. Its the reaction. They just need to make the reaction in the mutant community seem more realistic, like what compound described in his post. People with surgical masks, that kind of thing.
Wow, if I were black and living in America I'd move then :)
(Not just AfricanAmericans;))

Well sickle cell is an interesting case, it developed as a response to malaria. The 'sickle cell' itself allows a better immunity to the disease, though in large degrees can kill you. So this is an interesting slant too, the very thing that can keep you alive under extreme circumstances is the cause of death.
I'm actually pretty sure that the Sickle Cell Anemia can be contracted in everyone... That seems a bit off to me, to be honest with you. I did a study on that very disorder and, first it's genetic, and second I followed a Puerto Rican boy who had it which would discount your theory altogether.
Ok, it's prevalent in people that have their ancestral origins in hotter climes where malaria is an issue. So this goes to say you're not gonna get many scandinavians with it.
Goodwill said:
I know this, it was my weak attempt at a joke... Not many people can actually pick those up around here, huh? :lol:

Apparently that includes you, because Warrior was making a joke as well.

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