Ultimate Iron Man II series discussion [Card/Ferry] [spoilers]

Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #3 discussion (spoilers!)

That is brilliant!!

Can't wait to read the rest!!

Its been a strange origin thus far but I think its all coming together nicely now!!
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #3 discussion (spoilers!)

That is brilliant!!

Can't wait to read the rest!!

Its been a strange origin thus far but I think its all coming together nicely now!!

I so hope that was sarcasm, our your eternal salvation may be at risk for calling Card's work brilliant.
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Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #3 discussion (spoilers!)

Pretty good on the whole, artwork is class as per usual with Ferry, I really like his work and the story is finally beginning to make a bit of sense!!

Opens with the Stark team and the feds getting together to spy on Obidiah's meeting with Dolores.

Things don't go to plan when Obi is taken to Dolores's car, which is jamming the feds equipment.

Obi tells Dolores that he believes the robot, which Dolores wants, is not a robot but actually Stark in a suit.

Stark heads this off by appearing at the window of the car and offering Dolores the robot in exchange for the location of the nukes and the terrorists!!

Agreement is reached but both Dolores and Stark have to be on a plane at the same time whilst their respective teams test the authenticity of both the robot and the location of the nukes.

Stark has a team member construct a semi-operational "robot" to go inside the iron-man suit rather than send Rhodey in the War-Machine armour as Dolores's team plan on reverse engineering the suit. Rhodey remarks " they aint reverse engineering me".

The "robot iron-man" is tested by Stark's team and is sucessful at falling over but not much else meaning the trade is looking a bit dodgy from the Stark end but he decides to go ahead with it anyhow.

Stark boards a plane with Whiplash (Dolores's goon) and Obi, Dolores appears from his cabin and sets the deal in motion. The plane takes off while simultaneously the army attack a building in Manhatten, finding a nuke but no terrorists and Dolores's team begin examining the iron-man suit.

Just as the discovery is made that the suit is a phoney, War-Machine bursts in and clears the place.

However after discovering Dolores has fobbed them off, just as he did to him, Stark finds that Dolores is not on the plane but has left a second nuke in his place....

As you can tell it's extremly story heavy this issue, much much more so than many comics, but as I said earlier its all coming together nicely now and I think the artwork is pretty decent.

Art: 4.5/5.0
Story: 3.8/5.0
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #3 discussion (spoilers!)


This is infinitely better than the first mini. But in terms of story interest---there is none. The first issue seemed like this was gonna be pretty good...but the second issue killed any momentum it had...and this 3rd issue buries it.

It'll be worth a read in trade for those Ultimate completist. But right now the only Ultimate book worth anything right now is Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate Human.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

The plot of the series has certainly been....tolerable, maybe even interesting than the first series. But as for the issues themselves...well, they've been decent where they aren't horrible like UIM 1.

The whole Tony brain thing/regeneration is still (and always will be) idiotic and pointless, and I cringe every time it's been mentioned/shown.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

The whole Tony brain thing/regeneration is still (and always will be) idiotic and pointless, and I cringe every time it's been mentioned/shown.

Which is like.... every 3 panels? Guy gets blown up more than 616 wolverine. I guess they're afraid we might forget what his powers are.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

The story behind the mini is pretty good, but idea of a healing Stark is not.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

Yeah, the reimagining of Tony is terrible, but I don't think either series is all that bad. I would actually say 1 is better than 2.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

It's still eons better than Ultimates 3. Ellis has finally duped me in finally accepting the brain-body or biological computronium that Tony is, making the read here more tolerable. Yeah, it's annoying that Stark has to get dismembered in almost every issue which strongly reminds me of Claire from Heroes early in Season 1. Yeah, he regenerates. I get it.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

Yeah, the reimagining of Tony is terrible, but I don't think either series is all that bad. I would actually say 1 is better than 2.

I'm with you.

As an original story, Volume 1 is actually a good comic.

The reason it sucks so much is that it feels like Card never read any 616 Iron Man, let alone The Ultimates... This character is nothing like what Millar created.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man II #4 discussion (spoilers!)

I'm with you.

As an original story, Volume 1 is actually a good comic.

The reason it sucks so much is that it feels like Card never read any 616 Iron Man, let alone The Ultimates... This character is nothing like what Millar created.

While i agree it sucks that he never read Miller's Ultimates, i have no problem that he didn't read 616. The UU is a reimagination of 616, not a word for word rewrite. I don't care that a lot of thing in the UU is different from 616, thats why im reading UU.

I thought that although the whole body brain regen thing was an amazing plot twist, it was very poorly done. But i felt this was one of the best reimagines in the UU.

Kudos for trying
Apparently I did read it, although I don't remember a thing about it. I just finished #5.

The dialogue...this is seriously some of the worst dialogue I've ever read. Hell, the monologues are horrible too. I can't believe that a man who writes novels writes human speech like this. It's unreal.

Is it as bad as the first Ultimate Iron Man? No. Not at all. But that's only because the only thing worse than Ultimate Iron Man was the first 2 arcs of Mighty Avengers - the worst thing ever written.

This story accomplished nothing, revealed nothing, and proved nothing. It was a gigantic waste.

0/5. Shame on you for publishing this ****, Marvel.
Apparently I did read it, although I don't remember a thing about it. I just finished #5.

The dialogue...this is seriously some of the worst dialogue I've ever read. Hell, the monologues are horrible too. I can't believe that a man who writes novels writes human speech like this. It's unreal.

Is it as bad as the first Ultimate Iron Man? No. Not at all. But that's only because the only thing worse than Ultimate Iron Man was the first 2 arcs of Mighty Avengers - the worst thing ever written.

This story accomplished nothing, revealed nothing, and proved nothing. It was a gigantic waste.

0/5. Shame on you for publishing this ****, Marvel.

That sums it up for me, as well. It really was pointless. And agree with you on the dialogue...seriously, I'm unsure why he thought in the cross between novels and comics his characters needed to start sounding like random stuttering morons unable to string their thoughts together.

Such a waste of time...

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