Ultimate Handbook 2005 USM & UFF [editor notes begin on pg. 7]

David Blue said:
That could be it.

If so, I think it would even be cool, I mean having a time travel story have consequences that heal a troubled continuity rather than mess it up. I'll wait and see, as you suggest.

In this case, I think a Handbook edition dealing with the Ultimate Fantastic Four that came out after the President Thor arc would be far more useful than one that came out before it.

True, assuming President Thor explains the continuity discrepancies, then any future Handbook would be able to cover that. However, regardless of when a Handbook comes out, future comics will provide revelations worthy of adding to an entry. If the next Ultimate Handbook came out in the middle of next year, rather than later this month, I could have included the revelations which are starting to spill out in the final few issues of Ultimate Volume 2. Heck, one issue makes a difference - we've just had to do last minute amendments to entries because Ultimate 2 #9 is now coming out before this Handbook, after previously having to edit out all the revelations out when we thought we'd only be up to #8 (and hopefully we got those amendments in before it went to the printers - if the book doesn't cover what happens in #9, you now know why).
Stuart said:
With all due respect to DIrishB and his excellent timeline or ideas, it's not a case of writers and editors disregarding his ideas. It's not like any of the Ultimate writers or editors have made a conscious decision to look at his timeline and then say "I'm going to disregard this", it's simply that they have their own plans and ideas, and to be brutally honest, they are not going to take any person online's ideas into account when making those plans.

Thats how I see it. I know I don't expect the Ultimate writers to use my timeline or ideas in their stories...my ego is big, just not that big. And in terms of the UFF placements on my timeline, its only to resolve as much as possible the stories we've gotten so far. As I said before, with the upcoming President Thor arc in UFF involving time travel, I wouldn't be surprised to see the previous UFF continuity issues explained, at least minorly, in this arc. And once that happens, my timeline will be going through some minor revisions to fix the early UFF arc placements. Its all in what we know up to this point, as for the future, I can't predict that.
Stuart said:
With all due respect to DIrishB and his excellent timeline or ideas, it's not a case of writers and editors disregarding his ideas. It's not like any of the Ultimate writers or editors have made a conscious decision to look at his timeline and then say "I'm going to disregard this".
I think I'd get a kick out of one of the writers or editors saying "I'm disregarding the Ultimate Universe timeline of DIrishB of Ultimate Central" in an interview.
Stuart said:
True, assuming President Thor explains the continuity discrepancies, then any future Handbook would be able to cover that. However, regardless of when a Handbook comes out, future comics will provide revelations worthy of adding to an entry. If the next Ultimate Handbook came out in the middle of next year, rather than later this month, I could have included the revelations which are starting to spill out in the final few issues of Ultimate Volume 2. Heck, one issue makes a difference - we've just had to do last minute amendments to entries because Ultimate 2 #9 is now coming out before this Handbook, after previously having to edit out all the revelations out when we thought we'd only be up to #8 (and hopefully we got those amendments in before it went to the printers - if the book doesn't cover what happens in #9, you now know why).

While I can't relate, I can definitly respect the hectic and confusing process it must be to make one of these Handbooks, and just want to say thanks for doing so (even if there are a couple mistakes ;) ). So the Ultimates/Ultimate X-Men Handbook will be out early next year I assume?

Pandrio said:
I think I'd get a kick out of one of the writers or editors saying "I'm disregarding the Ultimate Universe timeline of DIrishB of Ultimate Central" in an interview.

Card already said exactly that, along with ignoring a bunch of other stuff. ;)
Stuart said:
Heck, one issue makes a difference - we've just had to do last minute amendments to entries because Ultimate 2 #9 is now coming out before this Handbook, after previously having to edit out all the revelations out when we thought we'd only be up to #8 (and hopefully we got those amendments in before it went to the printers - if the book doesn't cover what happens in #9, you now know why).
Yes indeed.

Thank you for the ample and very instructive comments, Stuart.
I didn't think they'd be collected, so I bought them and had them shipped up to me. Because my comic book shop is a ripoff, I got them together for $18, not including posting and packaging and the trades I got also.

And then the next week they decided to put them in a trade with some crap UFF/UXM crossover. :(
E said:
If handbooks do anything for you, sure.

Both handbooks are also collected in the Ultimate X-Men / Fantastic Four TPB.
Which I bought, and despite the objections I raised before I'm happy with it. :)

Regardless of theoretical objections, how you spent your money and whether you think your money was well spent is your real review.
E said:
If handbooks do anything for you, sure.

Both handbooks are also collected in the Ultimate X-Men / Fantastic Four TPB.

Collected and slightly modified, correcting some of the mistakes which had come to light after the individual books were printed, and adding in some new images to supplement some entries.
Stuart said:
Collected and slightly modified, correcting some of the mistakes which had come to light after the individual books were printed, and adding in some new images to supplement some entries.

Very cool! I wasn't aware of that.
Stuart said:
Collected and slightly modified, correcting some of the mistakes which had come to light after the individual books were printed, and adding in some new images to supplement some entries.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! :)