Despite the less than satisfying cover, I really enjoyed the issue.
It's a nice change of pace from what we are getting.
USM: A love/hate relatiosnship, with more leanings to the hate side. We get some great ideas, but executed horribly. Examples: Deadpool; Morbius; Clone Saga. Hopefully Bendis won't screw up his own creation with Ronin, but it looks like he will.
UXM: It used to be a mediocre title, but Krikman's hooking me with all these build-ups. We're getting small arcs that hopefully will satisfy what's been hinted at: Nightcrawler and the Morlocks; Storm and Shadow King; Wolverine's little solo adventure; Cyclops and Jean converting the mansion into a school; and Bishop forming his own team, with most likely Iceman and Rogue on it. Plus, he's building up to something big, though I have some suspicions it has something to do with the Phoenix.
And then UFF: A longer arc, (which I've heard is great; I haven't read it yet) that will lead into a big event later on in the year dealing with the Cosmic Cube; and then a shorter one, that is full of action and magic. Yes, I'm satisfied with Carey. And then we get the Silver Surfer this summer.
So we get a few different feelings from these three titles.
Back to topic.
Is the event dealing with the Cosmic Cube going to be the Surfer arc, or will that just be a lead-up arc?