Sure thing.
We open in Latveria, Earlier. Doom gloats about the successful mindswap. Reed complains. Doom tells him to buck up because he's more powerful now and he's the leader of a country. Sue and Ben enter and away Doom-Reed goes. They fly back to New York and the ultimates are waiting out front in case something goes wrong with the Zombie world. Doom-Reed says he has to fix Johnny first because his powers are essential to the plan he's concocted to save the Earth. Then he says the best line of the book when Dr. Storm tries to question him. "Please. It's Mister Fantastic, not Mister Mediocre." We visit the Zombies for a bit to establish that they are still evil. Then Doom-Reed casts his spell, but instead of sending the thing away to the N-Zone something went wrong and it's sitting on Johnny's chest. It zooms off to find the most powerful being around. Everyone assumes Thor, but it bowls through him to get to Reed-Doom, they lower the shields and Reed-Doom makes quick work of the zombies, tosses them through the portal and gets Victor to tell everyone the truth about what happened in Latvaria. Reed prepares to step through to the other dimension, but Doom does the honerable thing and switches back bodies, then steps through to the other dimension where he immediately picks a fight with the remaining zombies. "Hmph. Well, this should be a challenge." We see the papers say that the Fantastic Four saved the Earth (ignoring Doom's final request to be recognized for his sacrifice). The 4 + Ben's girlfriend sit around and babble about how great their life is. The end.