Ultimate Fantastic Four #31 discussion (spoilers)

MaxwellSmart said:
I get what you mean by rushed. Reed's got to stop the flow of Zombies into the UU, banish the Frightful Four, cure Johnny and reclaim his own body. All of that in one issue is going to be difficult to do and not come across as half assed.

The Namor arc was still crappy, but this one issue has redeemed it somewhat. It also has redeemed the Skrull arc by proving the "accident" wasn't Doom's fault.

He doesn't have to stop the flow of zombies into the UU- there are none on that world due to the end of the Marvel Zombies arc:wink:
Sacred&Profane said:
He doesn't have to stop the flow of zombies into the UU- there are none on that world due to the end of the Marvel Zombies arc:wink:
Okay, I didn't actually read Marvel Zombies. I only ever heard about it from people. Thanks for mentioning that. If you hadn't I would have read the last issue and been confused as hell.
MaxwellSmart said:
Okay, I didn't actually read Marvel Zombies. I only ever heard about it from people. Thanks for mentioning that. If you hadn't I would have read the last issue and been confused as hell.

For a little summary, a small band of zombies (Spidey, Cage, Giant Man, Col. America, Iron Man and Hulk) who managed to eat Silver Surfer is confronted by their fellow undead, pissed that they didn't leave anything for them. The cosmic-powered zombies decide to fry all the rest hoping they will taste any better, but were wrong. Later, Galactus finally arrives and he is attacked by the zombie villains. While Galactus is distracted, our 'heroes' managed to develop a weapon powerful enough to take him down. They succeed, but this only diverts the attentions of the villain zombies on them. The super-zombies eventually wiped them out with Colonel America as their only casualty. With nothing left in their world, and eating Galactus, they decide to set their sights in the skies and find more food in other planets.

Although a few uninfected survivors (plus a zombie disembodied Wasp) managed to hide within Asteroid M, they only set foot on the abandoned Earth after several years. So that is why when the Frightful Four will open the portal, they'll be in for a huge disappointment. A burning pile of bodies will be the only thing they will see.
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I'm not sure Millar will rely on that. It would assume we know the story (I didn't).

It makes more sense to either have the heroes arrive in the nick of time, or when the portal has just opened and so they fight off Frightful Four and a handful of Zombies whop manage to cross before the portal is shut down.

But hey, maybe it opens and we just get : "Oh, Zombies wiped each other out. Who'd have thought?" and then a fight, but that would kind of lame, especially for non Marvel-Zombies reader.
E.Vi.L. said:
I'm not sure Millar will rely on that. It would assume we know the story (I didn't).

I'm not sure he would either, but if he did I think he could pull it off.
Didn't Kirkman say somewhere that he told Millar how he was ending MZ and then Millar came up with a way to tie the ending to Frightful.

So, while I'm sure Millar won't assume everyone's read MZ, he's sure as hell not gonna ignore it either.
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Best issue this series has had let.

Doom. I don't know how to explain how badass he was

The art was great. I was also fooled by the zombies. I should of seen that.

Doom is going to kick thier asses.

Millar and Land all the way.
E.Vi.L. said:
I'm not sure Millar will rely on that. It would assume we know the story (I didn't).

It makes more sense to either have the heroes arrive in the nick of time, or when the portal has just opened and so they fight off Frightful Four and a handful of Zombies whop manage to cross before the portal is shut down.

But hey, maybe it opens and we just get : "Oh, Zombies wiped each other out. Who'd have thought?" and then a fight, but that would kind of lame, especially for non Marvel-Zombies reader.

No way. This would be awful, a lot of people may not have read MZ, but that doesnt make it out of continuity. It was an awesome miniseries that everyone should check out, I would be offended if Millar decided to ignore it.

The best way to resolve the scenario would be like you suggest, to have the heroes save the day so the issue is never brought up.

But seriously, read Marvel Zombies. Its great, gruesome, action packed, and funny as hell. Kirkman has some great fun on this title, and its infectious.
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Ultimate MJ said:
No way. This would be awful, a lot of people may not have read MZ, but that doesnt make it out of continuity. It was an awesome miniseries that everyone should check out, I would be offended if Millar decided to ignore it.

The best way to resolve the scenario would be like you suggest, to have the heroes save the day so the issue is never brought up.

But seriously, read Marvel Zombies. Its great, gruesome, action packed, and funny as hell. Kirkman has some great fun on this title, and its infectious.

The book or the zombies?
hmmmm... Is "both" an acceptable answer?

Seriously though, Zombies are amazing. Anything with a reanimated, cannibalistic corpse gets two thumbs up from this guy. :rockon:
Ultimate MJ said:
No way. This would be awful, a lot of people may not have read MZ, but that doesnt make it out of continuity. It was an awesome miniseries that everyone should check out, I would be offended if Millar decided to ignore it.

The best way to resolve the scenario would be like you suggest, to have the heroes save the day so the issue is never brought up.

But seriously, read Marvel Zombies. Its great, gruesome, action packed, and funny as hell. Kirkman has some great fun on this title, and its infectious.

Probably Millar would come it in some way to explain what happened. He was able to explain what caused the infection in the Zombieverse in about 2 pages. An easy way would make one of the zombies, barely 'alive' having survived the cookout the cosmic zombies did on them.
I'm too lazy to read through the past few pages, but I've just realized what I think is going to happen here....

This is how they are going to get Franklin Richards. Doom is going to rape Sue with Reed's body...

Either that or Valeria, perhaps they will be twins... I don't know.

I do think Sue will be impregnated by Doom-Reed.
Dr.Strangefate said:
I'm too lazy to read through the past few pages, but I've just realized what I think is going to happen here....

This is how they are going to get Franklin Richards. Doom is going to rape Sue with Reed's body...

Either that or Valeria, perhaps they will be twins... I don't know.

I do think Sue will be impregnated by Doom-Reed.

No way. Theres just not enough time to do that... 1 issue is already going to be tight as far as wrapping up existing storylines. Adding that would just be too confusing.
Gonna have to agree with MJ here. It's too early to introduce Franklin and of course there's the whole "tie things up" Millar is doiong.

But that would be an awesome twist for when the time comes for Franklin (if they ever get there).
I doubt they will ever have Frankin done. They're taking they're time (for the most part) in how fast times passes with the characters in the UU. If they ever did, it'll just open the floodgates for people to start mentioning about "Why not Peter? Or Scott?" etc.

Plus, I think it might have been said he might never even be done a long time ago, but I could be wrong.
And I'm pretty sure this title is suited for children, so...

Are you sure you're not just speculating this because Millar is known for his rape scenes?
Are you guys REALLY this dense? I can already tell you what's going to happen.

Franklin is actually the Lovecraft monster embryo chilling in Johnny's stomach. Ben punching a dinosaur in the face caused a number of chronal displacements, one of which is that the baby growing inside of Sue was transferred into Johnny's body. The other major timeline change is that Spider-Man's adventures from the time of the time travel story onward are super-lame.

The dudely structure of Johnny's body means he has no way to birth Franklin. A normal baby would die, but due to the AWESOME COSMIC POWERS of space radiation, the embryo of Franklin has limitless growth potential. Driven only by instinct, Franklin-fetus is causing Johnny's body to shift to adapt to its own growth. It's adopting alien physiology as the only means to survive. This reality-shifting has more far-reaching consequences though. For one, the whle zombie universe is a creation of Franklin-fetus' fertile mind, a subconscious means to impress his father, Reed. The Magician is also his doing. It's Franklin telling the writers of the Ultimate Universe, "Don't **** up my Ultimization, or I'll turn out like this."

Doom's brilliant plan is going to consist of an emergency C-section on Johnny. Also, he'll rape Johnny, because Millar is grossly under-quota for rapes in UFF.

Edit: I've got a friend in the industry, and I just thought you guys would find it interesting to see what the original solicit for UFF 32 was supposed to be.

The Millar/Land run comes to an Earth-shattering conclusion as the Ultimate F.F. are locked in a battle to the death with their zombie counterparts from an alternate Earth! Tying into events from the best-selling Marvel Zombies limited series, this is the explosive climax to the amazing series of events that go back to Mark Millar's first issue... and you won't believe who gets raped!
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