Ultimate Fantastic Four #31 discussion (spoilers)

Does anyone else think Doom's going to try and have sex with Sue. If I was amoral, which I'm not, that's where my mind would be headed.
MaxwellSmart said:
Does anyone else think Doom's going to try and have sex with Sue. If I was amoral, which I'm not, that's where my mind would be headed.

I think he would, but only if he was Julian McMahon as Doom. :wink:
ProjectX2 said:
Now that Doom is in Reed's body, he should go Randall Dowling on all their asses.

ProjectX2 said:
Now that Doom is in Reed's body, he should go Randall Dowling on all their asses.
I don't read planetary, so you're going to have to fill me in on the reference.
MaxwellSmart said:
I don't read planetary, so you're going to have to fill me in on the reference.

I'm surprised you even knew that Randall Dowling was in Planetary.

Basically, Randall Dowling is an evil version of Reed Richards. He can stretch his brain to perform telepathic acts, and is pure evil.
ProjectX2 said:
I'm surprised you even knew that Randall Dowling was in Planetary.

Basically, Randall Dowling is an evil version of Reed Richards. He can stretch his brain to perform telepathic acts, and is pure evil.
Actually I looked up the name on Wikipedia and he came up under Planetary.
ProjectX2 said:
He can stretch his brain to perform telepathic acts

It's even better than that - he can "become" people, and it was insinuated that once he expands his mind into someone else it can be dormant until he decides he needs to use it.

They have an idea what he can do, but they don't know how well he can do it or who he's done it to.
So am I the only one who wants Doom-in-Reed's body to totally ice both threats in seconds flat and then mind-swap back just to upstage Reed?

Either way, I actually really dug Land's art in this issue. The zombies were totally creepy. Zombie Reed stretched all over the place, with his neck like some ****ing horror movie snake. and Ben looked equally evil. Both the zombies and Doom present themselves to be completely badass villains.
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That way the zombie FF got out caught me cuz at first when they were talkin about the pen and using the ink and the food to make a teleporter i was like "GTFO" i felt like an complete *** afterwards :lol:
You'd think with someone who can turn invisible they would have a constant thermal viewing moniter on.
Random said:
You'd think with someone who can turn invisible they would have a constant thermal viewing moniter on.

Well, seeing as they're dead. . .there wouldn't be much heat in the first place.
Great issue as always. I'd like to defend to poor soldiers (because I got fooled too :D). If you're in that volatile situation where a group of zombified super heroes are threatening to infect an entire planet, it pretty difficult to rationalize during their situation. They were panicking since they were also used to have the UFF saving their asses. Besides, Zombie Reed made a very good bluff.

Glad to we will finally see what in Marvel Zombies will tie up in "Frightful". I want to know how the Frightful Four will react when no one shows up from their dimension. How Reed will also get back to his own body before the next issue ends and save the day from the Frightful Four is also interesting, although it might feel rushed as always.
Victor Von Doom said:
I'm guessing that although they switched bodies/minds/whatever...that Reed's super-stretchy brain will somehow find a way to use magic to switch them back. Something to the degree of magic being just another science.
Hang on! If they did the swap, it's now Doom in Reed's super-stretchy brain! So is Doom smarter now that he's in Reed's body and has a stretchy brain?

Hmm. Makes you wonder...
That brings up an interesting question. If Doom's mind is in Reed's body, does that mean that Doom is now the smarter one? This presupposes that Reed was smarter than Doom, considering the "accident" was said to have increased Reed intelligence exponentially. They haven't really broached the subject of whether or not Doom's intelligence was also increased in the "accident," so I guess we can't jump to any conclussions. But it would be an interesting plot point if Doom was seen poring himself into projects because all of a sudden he's able to figure things out that he wasn't able to before.
vintsukka said:
Hang on! If they did the swap, it's now Doom in Reed's super-stretchy brain! So is Doom smarter now that he's in Reed's body and has a stretchy brain?

Hmm. Makes you wonder...

Yeah...I think it was all in how Millar worded it. Did they switch minds....or did they switch bodies?
slimjim said:
That way the zombie FF got out caught me cuz at first when they were talkin about the pen and using the ink and the food to make a teleporter i was like "GTFO" i felt like an complete *** afterwards :lol:

cmdrjanjalani said:
Great issue as always. I'd like to defend to poor soldiers (because I got fooled too :D)

Glad I'm not the only one willing to admit I fell for it. :D
MaxwellSmart said:
That brings up an interesting question. If Doom's mind is in Reed's body, does that mean that Doom is now the smarter one? This presupposes that Reed was smarter than Doom, considering the "accident" was said to have increased Reed intelligence exponentially. They haven't really broached the subject of whether or not Doom's intelligence was also increased in the "accident," so I guess we can't jump to any conclussions. But it would be an interesting plot point if Doom was seen poring himself into projects because all of a sudden he's able to figure things out that he wasn't able to before.

My guess is Reed is smarter and that's how we'll go back to the status quo next issue. And, I doubt Doom is any smarter, seeing as Reed's new intellegence is attributed to his ability to stetch. Doom is encased in metal.

Victor Von Doom said:
Yeah...I think it was all in how Millar worded it. Did they switch minds....or did they switch bodies?

Bodies. Reed's brain is in Doom's body and visa versa. You can't switch minds since your mind is what gives you your identity.
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Read it.
to Doom being a scientist & a socerer - I love it.
Also that he summoned it to set things right with reed
to the look of Victor ...
just add the goat legs and he will be from fine to awesome
the Frightful four: good escape plan
also a thing I noticed Could it be that doom is kind of macchavellian Thor with a feudalistic View of the World. He called Reed a Charlatan, created an Free Autonomous Zone, Helped bankrupt state to get economicly as big as Japan
(effectifly Doom and Magneto switched places in the UU)