Ultimate Fantastic Four #31 discussion (spoilers)

Ultimate Houde said:
Mind switch, working...plot wise...

Gah! The oxymorns in that statement are hurting my brain!
Thanks. I got them from the member we must not speak of. And no, I don't mean Captain...Crunch.
Ice said:
A mind switch that actually works (plot wise). It actually has something to contribute to the story.

That actually doesn't bother me that much.

One question, as I have yet to read the issue is. . .do they switch minds using magic or technology? Just curious.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You switched minds with Lil Kis at some point?
Yay! Someone got the joke. This is why you're smart...most of the time. :wink:

Lynx said:
That actually doesn't bother me that much.

One question, as I have yet to read the issue is. . .do they switch minds using magic or technology? Just curious.
I don't mind either, as like I said, it actually contributes to the story and not something like what happened in USM where what was it? Jean punished them or something like that?
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Lynx said:
One question, as I have yet to read the issue is. . .do they switch minds using magic or technology? Just curious.

It didn't show. I'm not even convinced they did.
Lynx said:
One question, as I have yet to read the issue is. . .do they switch minds using magic or technology? Just curious.

I'd assume magic.

E said:
It didn't show. I'm not even convinced they did.

It's very obvious that they did. I'm guessing that although they switched bodies/minds/whatever...that Reed's super-stretchy brain will somehow find a way to use magic to switch them back. Something to the degree of magic being just another science.
Victor Von Doom said:
...that Reed's super-stretchy brain will somehow find a way to use magic to switch them back. Something to the degree of magic being just another science.

THAT would be cool.
Victor Von Doom said:
I'd assume magic.

It's very obvious that they did. I'm guessing that although they switched bodies/minds/whatever...that Reed's super-stretchy brain will somehow find a way to use magic to switch them back. Something to the degree of magic being just another science.

I think they swapped minds, but its not obvious. Doom could have been crying because Reed beat him again, and Reeds cockiness could have been from learning some anti-zombie tricks from Doom.
Ultimate MJ said:
I think they swapped minds, but its not obvious. Doom could have been crying because Reed beat him again, and Reeds cockiness could have been from learning some anti-zombie tricks from Doom.

That would be interesting...but it just doesn't fit into Doom's character. He might be dejected at yet another defeat...but crying just doesn't seem like something he would do.
Victor Von Doom said:
That would be interesting...but it just doesn't fit into Doom's character. He might be dejected at yet another defeat...but crying just doesn't seem like something he would do.

I'm with you. The swap was definitely made. Reed was totally out of character when they were leaving Latveria and Doom wouldn't sit there and cry, he'd go balls to the wall mad with anger.

I wonder if Mrs. Storm will end up helping Reed defeat Doom. Not likely seeing how she's probably the most pathetic character in the entire Ultimate Universe (and I mean that as in she's still interesting just despicable).

One thing that grabbed me was Doom's relationship with the Zombies. I thought there might actually be something there but I shifted to maybe thinking that we have two different threats on our hands right now.

I would really love if Man-Thing came out of nowhere and saved Johnny.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I wonder if Mrs. Storm will end up helping Reed defeat Doom.

I think that should "Doom-Reed" try to double cross Sue/Johnny and not help them....then she would most definitely do the "redeeming mother" thing and help "Reed-Doom" get revenge and set things right.

Between Mrs.Storm...Hank Pym....and 616 Iron Man and Gang....Millar is gonna be all about the redemption.
Read this at the shop. I think it has to be Reed as Doom. I mean, Doom, crying? Of all people?!

Still, it was a great issue and can't wait to see how this all wraps up.
Yeah, both Doom and Reed were totally out of character at the end, implying that the swap did occur.

I was just pointing out that Millar COULD have a trick up his sleeve, but I doubt it.
Now that Doom is in Reed's body, he should go Randall Dowling on all their asses.