Ultimate Fantastic Four #24 (SPOILERS)

Are we even sure that Frightful will deal with the frightful four?

Could this just be a throw-off to have a mini devoted to Ben finding out that his state is irreversible... and then meeting alicia...

Probably would have FF v. the Puppet Master... but yeah...
I'm really looking forward to how President Thor relates to Johnny. It better not be some crap storyline like Johnny dreaming or something.
May I jusy say, Dr. Mary Storm is the biggest ***** I have ever seen/readabout. What the hell? That woman deserves to have a ninja punch her in the uterus and rip it out. What the Hell was she having children for if she found her work so damn important?

Dr. Mary Storm discusts me.

Anywho... there is more to the 'death' of Mary than we know. Dr. Franklin Storm seems to be hiding something throughout all of his I'm Sorrys. I mean there has to be another element to Mary. She finds a use for her children and desides to come out of hiding. And their father has onl this to say: 'Don't hate me.' There is another surprize element, just you wait.

Oh, and next issue will be an honorary issue to the 616 Original Human Torch versus Namor from way back in the thirties/fourties. It'll be Human Torch against Namor, and as cute as ohnny is, Namor is gonna force-feed Johnny is own butt.
ProjectX2 said:
I'm really looking forward to how President Thor relates to Johnny. It better not be some crap storyline like Johnny dreaming or something.

Where did you hear this?
Shihad said:
Where did you hear this?

Millar mentioned that each of his arcs were going to relate to each of the characters.

Crossover: Reed
Tomb of Namor 'Finding Namor': Sue
President Thor: Johnny
Frightful: Ben

I assume Millar is still going on this plan, judging by Crossover centred on Reed, and Finding Namor seems to be about Sue.
Re: Buzzscope previews Ultimate Fantastic Four #24

I have no idea why people are going so bat**** loco over that anti-gravity device.

Sue is supposed to part of a special genius program. I'm assuming that she and her friend didn't invent the antigravity pad, but instead built it using one of the special genius schoolbooks or laboratory exercise manuals, or a really crazy-*** coloring and activity book for super geniuses.

Dr. Storm's mild surprise is probably because they're doing things that only super-geniuses can do in Super-Genius Grade School when they are in Super Genius Kindergarten or something.

His LACK of surprise is coming from the fact that his wife has just died. He's too frigging griefstricken to really be elated at how advanced his children are in Super-Genius Learning.
ProjectX2 said:
I'm really looking forward to how President Thor relates to Johnny. It better not be some crap storyline like Johnny dreaming or something.
I would ****ing beat millar to death in his sleep and then make my jury read that issue.
I am assuming that evil reed can't stretch anymore. Since, it was built to potential hold the hulk the emphasis must have been on strength not air tight containment. They must be getting air. So, he should be able to stretch through those vents, if not through there then through the wiring system. Also, how are they preventing Sue from using her force field through the glass? They haven't explained exactly how her powers work, but I didn't think that her force fields had to originate from her body directly. I'm surprised that SHIELD hasn't already gone in there and destroyed them.

Mary storm must be the most unnurturing mother ever. Not that aren't women without strong mothering instincts, but how many of them have two children?

I didn't like the look of Atlantis. It looked exactly ancient Egypt. I just expected Millar to be more original. Hell, even Namor looks like someone out of the Ten Commandments. My bet is that the Inhumans will be Atlantians that went to the surface world.
Re: Buzzscope previews Ultimate Fantastic Four #24

ourchair said:
His LACK of surprise is coming from the fact that his wife has just died. He's too frigging griefstricken to really be elated at how advanced his children are in Super-Genius Learning.

That's what I was talking about. "Oh you built an anti-gravity playpen. Huh. By the way, mommy's dead."
DAMN! Everybody's bashing this issue. Then again, the reception to "Crossover" seemed to be half and half every board I went to.

Personally, I loved the issue. I love how Mary Storm is a cold-hearted
*****. I must be the only one enjoying the pacing. I've been so tired of the decompression that when Vaughan started his 4-issue arcs on UXM, I rejoyced. Millar's arcs are way better than Doom and on par with N-Zone, in my opinion. I've always pictured Atlantis looking like a futuristic Egypt (But then again, I played the Zues and Posideon games for a long time, and that's exactly how Atlantis looked). And Namor at the end. . .simply bad-***.

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MaxwellSmart said:
Also, how are they preventing Sue from using her force field through the glass? They haven't explained exactly how her powers work, but I didn't think that her force fields had to originate from her body directly. I'm surprised that SHIELD hasn't already gone in there and destroyed them.

For the destruction thing, I already told my theory ; study the virus Resident Evil style. They should put a bullet to the head of Norman like Cap suggested, but they don't do that either, do they?

For the force field, that's interesting. Classic FF sue has sometime been depicted with energy line from her head to the force effet. That strongly implies an obstacle in between would prevent her from putting a force field on the other side. But then again, she's not always drawn that way.

In UFF we have less evidence but until proven otherwise we'll have to assume that she can't manifest a force field on the other side of a window. If she can, than that raises the ugly possibility of creating force fields on the other side of a wall even though she can't see what's there. Or through a camera. Really, she's powerful enough as it is.

UltimateScarletWitch said:
Dr. Mary Storm disgusts me.

Yes. Isn't that great? A truly heinous villain is a great thing and thus Mary is one of the thing that I believe worked well in that issue.

I wouldn't be surpised if she suffered a climactic death aimed at satifsying the reader. I can easily see her get killed because of her obsession in a context similar to that of the blond scientist from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade who couldn't let go of the Graal. Doesn't she look a lot like her, now that I think about it?

If she survives, she'll probably turn in of those reoccuring character that we love to hate so common in Dramatic series. Or sitcom. Remember Janice and Phoebe's evil twin from Friend? ;)
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E.Vi.L. said:
I wouldn't be surpised if she suffered a climactic death aimed at satifsying the reader. I can easily see her get killed because of her obsession in a context similar to that of the blond scientist from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade who couldn't let go of the Graal. Doesn't she look a lot like her, now that I think about it?

Great anaolgy! I'd be plenty satisfied if that's the way she went. I honestly don't want her as a reoccuring character, she'd get on my nerves (And I think Sue'd kill her).
I got it.

It's not their mother.

What happened was they death was faked and Mary Richards did go in search of Atlantis. Namor kidnapped her and she's been lost for a while. Without telling Sue and Johnny that their mother is in danger, they put on this act that it's really just their mother being selfish when really she's being held captive either against her will or not. But yeah, they're tricking the Fantastic Four into finding their mom who may or may not be dead in their the eyes of Dr. Storm and this fake Mary Richards.
TheManWithoutFear said:
It's not their mother.

If I were an evil doppelganger of their mother, I'd pretend to be nice and remorseful and would turn on the waterwork. Try to gain their confidence back, ya know.

Mary acts pretty much the way you'd expect from a woman who walked away from her family in order to chase for a ruin. Which of course could be great reverse psychology and all that but, meh. It feels cheap somehow. I like that Mary is an evil *****. Happy childhood memoried and healthy relation with their parents is not part of the Ultimate philosophy, somehow. ;)
Re: Buzzscope previews Ultimate Fantastic Four #24

TheManWithoutFear said:
I think that was the point.
In any case, I am all so sick and tired of this "Sue is not as smart and only does biology she should not be able to do anything physics because that is Reed's domain" baloney.

I'm sure even those of us who are scientifically incompetent as children messed around with junior chemistry kits or the mechanically maladroit made funky stuff during shop class. Well for a super genius like Sue, she mesed with super genius editions of junior physics kits.

Being a biologist does not limit her entire scientific domain. It's the same as Peter Parker's expertise being mostly in chemistry even though he's shown being able to figure out concepts related to electromagnetism, computer engineering and quantum physics.
TheManWithoutFear said:
But look at the relationship between Her and Mr. Storm. Nothing... cold. I'm willing to bet she's still lost somewhere.

Well, she DID say that Atlantis meant more to her then her children and husband combined. She's been gone for 15 years, it's almost like they got divorced. Of course there's nothing there anymore. I think she's just a cold hearted *****, and I hope Namor barbeque and fillets her.

And it's Mary Storm, not Richards. :lol: