Ultimate Fantastic Four #15 discussion (spoilers)

Well, I just read the issue... I really enjoyed this one; it was much better than the one before it and it's definitely leaving things opened for Millar to explore in his run. I really did need to know that the N-Zone was a dying universe and stuff like that and the science was really needed.

Annihulus is really cool.

Also, Grimm's character is great. I'm really enjoying him!
In this issue him and Reed just really seemed to play off each other well... I just noticed that he's been this stoical kind of guy but at the same time social. Very cool.
Yeah, so I just picked this up...

I liked it a lot... I love Ben Grimm every other word out of his mouth is hilarious. As far as his depression goes... this is what I was looking for he's totally depressed someone should've told me. It'll be a nice doorway for the Alicia Masters intro...

That was a big bird...

I wonder if Johnny is going to get like really sick or what the cause of that is?

Do we think Annihilus will attack right off the bat in the next one or kinda play all political and nice but have evil intentions. On that note, what kind of character is 616 annihilus? Is he more Savage like or clever?
Well, what got me was when Grimm started laughing... Initially I thought this was kind of out of nowhere and out of character but Reed responded with "This is the first time I can remember hearing him laugh since I saw him before the accident"... I don't know, that explained a lot of his character to us, you know?

Also, I'm wondering what's up with making Johnny sick, too.
Goodwill said:
Well, what got me was when Grimm started laughing... Initially I thought this was kind of out of nowhere and out of character but Reed responded with "This is the first time I can remember hearing him laugh since I saw him before the accident"... I don't know, that explained a lot of his character to us, you know?

Also, I'm wondering what's up with making Johnny sick, too.
Ok, this all happened in issue #15, not #14...
Goodwill said:
Well, what got me was when Grimm started laughing... Initially I thought this was kind of out of nowhere and out of character but Reed responded with "This is the first time I can remember hearing him laugh since I saw him before the accident"... I don't know, that explained a lot of his character to us, you know?

I agree. Ben Grimm is definitely one of the most interesting characters in the Ultimate Universe

Goodwill said:
Also, I'm wondering what's up with making Johnny sick, too.

When's the next one comin' out?
Ben Grimm is shaping up to be one of my favorites, right next to Spider-Man and Mr. Fantastic... I think these are the three most developed characters that we've been given. Cap'n America would fit in there, too, but I would think that the alien invasion and everything took away from his character rather than add to it. ;)

Anyway, I think sometime in February, MwoF. :lol:
While Banner is fleshed out, I don't think there is too much to him. Sadly, I think he is what he is and there can't be anything else to him.
Quick question... If this is a universe, are there planets in there as well as skeletons and space stations or is this it?
Well, we don't know. We only know what we see, which is what the F4 see. If there's anything else, it'll be mentioned in the latter issues, if the F4 find any info on that.
Well, I'd imagine since the sun is dying then the planets have long since been dead or dying, too... And, if there is a sun, there's bound to be something orbitting around it.
Goodwill said:
Well, I'd imagine since the sun is dying then the planets have long since been dead or dying, too... And, if there is a sun, there's bound to be something orbitting around it.
It's what I was thinking too. And since the F4 are there for scientific research, hopefully, that should come up.
Speaking of Annihulus, does anyone have the latest issue of GameInformer with the Fantastic Four on the cover? It talks about Activision's game based on the movie, and includes sketch work of the villains, including Annihulus and Diablo. The creators claim that when making the modern-look for the villains, they looked to the Ultimate series for help.
Well, I'd imagine they would because they've really done that for every other video game Marvel is putting out right now... In Spider-Man 2, they had Rhino looking exactly like its Ultimate counterpart.
Goodwill said:
Ben Grimm is shaping up to be one of my favorites, right next to Spider-Man and Mr. Fantastic... I think these are the three most developed characters that we've been given.

I agree. While I have mixed feelings about my enjoyment of Ultimate Fantastic Four, the tweaks to the characters have been pretty good. Ben Grimm is fundamentally the same, but he functions pretty well as the point from which a reader is able to understand the funky science stuff.

He may not be book smart, but he's got enough intuition to translate Reed's explanations in his head and more importantly, ask all the right questions, something whereas the 616 Grimm took a rather disinterested yet supportive attitude towards Reed's interests.
ourchair said:
I agree. While I have mixed feelings about my enjoyment of Ultimate Fantastic Four, the tweaks to the characters have been pretty good. Ben Grimm is fundamentally the same, but he functions pretty well as the point from which a reader is able to understand the funky science stuff.

He may not be book smart, but he's got enough intuition to translate Reed's explanations in his head and more importantly, ask all the right questions, something whereas the 616 Grimm took a rather disinterested yet supportive attitude towards Reed's interests.

Good thought and Welcome :twisted: