Synch said:I liked the Misty Knight Part. What I didn't like was that marvel preview in the middle of my comic f**king up my reading flow.
Synch said:Well the little bit I know about the Misty Knight character is that she is an "angry black person". Everything I've ever read with her in it quantifies that. Just like Wolverine is a short brooding whatever. They changed her character a little bit by making her arm be a part of her inner anger as opposed to in 616 where she accepts the arm. But I think that's a part of her character. Also kinda like how gambit is always portrayed as a good with the women types. I'm not saying it's the most creative thing, I'm just ok with it because I'm used to that being part of her character. They haven't changed Luke Cage over the years either.
I totally agree. Like I wish Luke Cage would have been ultimized into a cooler version of the Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne model. But I think they made him corny. If I'm remembering it right, they made him be on that loser team with Pym. What a waste.DIrishB said:still think it could've been handled better.
Synch said:I totally agree. Like I wish Luke Cage would have been ultimized into a cooler version of the Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne model. But I think they made him corny. If I'm remembering it right, they made him be on that loser team with Pym. What a waste.
Wow, that probably would get under someones skin especially when you really like a character. And I could see him laughing as he did it too. Yea, and Nighthawk is great, I've checked him in Supreme Power, that's a great book I like most all the characters.DIrishB said:Quite true. In terms of Luke Cage along the lines of Tony Stark/Bruce'd probably love the character of Nighthawk in Supreme Power, because thats exactly what he's like.
As for Luke Cage on the Ultimate Defenders...I honestly think Millar included him on the team as a poke at Bendis, since he seems to be a huge fan of Cage (which is why he uses him so often in his stories in 616). Therefore, Millar made the Ultimate version of Cage out to be a doofus (along with the rest of the teams) merely to screw with Bendis.
No, I know what you were talking about, I'm talking about comments made earlier on in this thread.Goodwill said:I was only asking about Silver Surfer having his own thoughts because he attacked Misty Knight and had a few lines, I believe. This would indicate he's thinking, at least... Or, Galactus is thinking for him...?
Exactly! It looks robotic (on one of the upcoming covers), so who made it? Wouldn't it be funny if it was built by "The Watchers"? That was one group of beings or being that I hoped to see in this trilogy. Especially after the Vision mentioned that "Gah Lak Tus" was the name given to the entity by a group of pan-dimensional beings...even though they turned out to be the Kree.Goodwill said:Also, I was wondering about Galactus, too. If it's robotic, who built it?
Goodwill said:Also, I was wondering about Galactus, too. If it's robotic, who built it?
Nas-T! said:Exactly! It looks robotic (on one of the upcoming covers), so who made it? Wouldn't it be funny if it was built by "The Watchers"? That was one group of beings or being that I hoped to see in this trilogy. Especially after the Vision mentioned that "Gah Lak Tus" was the name given to the entity by a group of pan-dimensional beings...even though they turned out to be the Kree.
E said:There's a name for the type of device that Gah Lak Tus is...something that goes around killing things like that. I can't remember it - I believe it's from a book. Anyone remember??
E said:There's a name for the type of device that Gah Lak Tus is...something that goes around killing things like that. I can't remember it - I believe it's from a book. Anyone remember??
iceman said:it has to be explained?
i mean, i hope it is, but if you look at it, if something equivalent to a demigod came to kill us, and we somehow defeated it or drove it off, that doesn't mean we understood it. just that we got really really lucky.
Yeah But I think we deserve some crazy cool original origin to Gah lak tusiceman said:it has to be explained?
i mean, i hope it is, but if you look at it, if something equivalent to a demigod came to kill us, and we somehow defeated it or drove it off, that doesn't mean we understood it. just that we got really really lucky.