Ultimate DC

After an incredibly long hour...


Ultimate JLA

The Origin: Clark Kent—Superman awakes with a start. Standing before him is the ghostly image of a shrivelled, alien-looking creature. "He is coming," the apparition states before disappearing in the breeze. "He is coming." The same strange visitation replay itself to John Stewart as he foils a bank robbery. To Burce Wayne as he rides an elevator in Wayne Tech, to Barry Allen and Wonder Woman, all of them telepathically warned by J'onn J'onzz, the last survivor of the planet Mars. The same great evil that destroyed Mars is coming to Earth, and this martian hunts men for a super-league capable of defeating it.

The Characters: The Dark Knight, the Man of Steel, the Amazon, the Emerald Gladiator and Fastest Man Alive come together as the JLA when J'onn pleads to them for help against an evil no one hero can defeat. "Mars burned for 200 years after he came," J'onzz says. "Everyone died. Everyone but me."

Supporting Cast: Filling out the JLA's ranks is the Atom, a former scientist. In addition to shrinking her size to that of an atom, she can also adjust her body's mass while small. Also lending support is J'onzz, who acts as the team's intelligence gatherer, telepathic link and resident technology guru.

The First Arc: "After he destroyed Mars, he came to Earth," comments J'onzz to the newly reformed League. "But there was nothing to conquer. He killed your dominant species—your dinosaurs—and marked your Earth as a viable future world to subjugate. His… no, it's name is Despero, the immortal leader of his war-like race. He comes alone, conquers by his own hand and proves his stance of God to his own people. I have felt his mind. He is coming." As the team races to learn everything they can about Despero and the Martian/Human technology of the JLA's Manhattan HQ, Despero crashes to Earth in a fiery ball of death. Towering over seven feet tall, the alien wreaks havoc through the U.N., brutally killing every delegate inside and donning the UN's flag as a symbol of his power. His next step is to murder the U.S. president, as Despero cuts a path of destruction throughout U.S. resistance. Eventually catching up to him, hastly assembled Justice League face the would-be conqueror as their first mission… and their first failure. Even though they eventually defeat Despero, they may soon have to contend with an entire race of Desperos, having recreated behind Saturn, the rudderness gives pause to ponder what to do with the one planet that's managed to defeat their god.

The Big Picture: A few storyarcs in, Superman decides the League members need to know more about each other to work better as a team. As the members reveal their secret Ids and powers, the spotlight takes on a reluctant Batman, setting the stage as the untrusting Dark Knight turns his back on the League… and then systemically defeats them all, just in time for a new villain called The Key to unlock the gates of Hell.
In another hour that takes days. Jokes. Sometime this week. :D
sweet I don't think I saw the Teen Titans one in wizard owell loved these and how they did their own spin on ultimizing the DC universe.......... sounds like a good idea I'd buy it
Sorry, remember I wasn't here. When I get around to it I'll put it up. Gotta upload the whole pic again though.
see, what i love about the ultimate universes are the costumes. :) they just seem more practical to me. like the superman costume, instead of wearing blue tights with his underwear on the outside, he has a solid blue jumpsuit with the ''s'' on his chest with a black background. although i have to say, im dissapointed with the martian manhunter, id like to see him as a fighter rather than as a frail green umpa lumpa. :(
ProjectX2 said:
Because these aren't property of DC. The characters of course are, but the versions belong to Wizard and will never see the light of day. But I prefer these...

so, does that mean that these are like concept designs, and aren't official? that these pics are just for promotional use only, and that when the all-star comics come out, that there will be different costume designs? :?
elfreo said:
see, what i love about the ultimate universes are the costumes. :) they just seem more practical to me.

YES. Bravo.

This is one problem I had with Vaughan's run. I hate the costumes.

They really should be wearing something closer to what 616 X-Men did in Morrison's New X-Men.
elfreo said:
so, does that mean that these are like concept designs, and aren't official? that these pics are just for promotional use only, and that when the all-star comics come out, that there will be different costume designs? :?

That's exactly correct. The All-Star comics are NOT a seperate universe. . .they're "timeless" stories technically still in DC continuity. Except, you can take the All-Star comics by themselves since they don't use pre-established continuity.

Looking foward to the Teen Titans, Proj! 8)
It will be today. If it's not you can kill me.
It's only 4:19PM in New Zealand. Mwahahaha. Fine. I'll put it up now.