Ultimate Daredevil is Not Going to Happen Any Time Soon

Re: Joe Q has said no to a UDD ongoing.

searzy said:
Isn't the Ultimate line all about re-freshing?
That's the whole point of the UU isn't it?
The line is supossed to be a place where younger people can enjoy stories, without having to know 40 plus years of history.
Daredevil doesn't really suffer from the same thing that plagues some other titles, most notably X-Men, where there's so much history to know to really enjoy the books. I think you can pretty much pick up Bendis's Daredevil run and enjoy it without any prior knowledge about the character's history.

Daredevil is a perfect recurring guest star in the UU, or he would be great in an Ultimate Knights book, but I can't see him in his own ongoing.

The DD and Elektra minis weren't that good either.
Re: Joe Q has said no to a UDD ongoing.

Daredevil is the most interesting comic Marvel is publishing right now. There's no need for an Ultimate Daredevil.

And yes, I'm pretty sure there are at least two threads on this already.
Re: Joe Q has said no to a UDD ongoing.

Ultimate Knights?
I don't see that working.
The Ultimate line is already Knighted by having it being a more realistic universe.
Maybe then the Ultimate line should become darker like Marvel Knights?
What do you Ultimate fans think?
I think USM's life is already pretty dark, don't you?
Re: Joe Q has said no to a UDD ongoing.

I'm unsubsribing to this thread.
Is that how you cut the thread?
The debate has answered my question: UDD can't work, he is just a guest star.
Ultimate Marvel Knights is another thread, which is why I'm cutting. This thread was going in that direction.
I will post another topic later.

Thanks everyone.
Here we go again...

Q: "Poolboy" - Two words for you - ULTIMATE DAREDEVIL... ongoing.

Eh? Whatdaya think? Let's do this Joe. You want it, I want it. Five other people want it. Let's make something happen, baby!

JQ: Mmmmm-nyahhh. Currently I don't see a reason for an Ultimate Daredevil title, Poolboy. It doesn't make any sense to me and as the character is right now in the Ultimate Universe, I don't see how he's any different than our current Daredevil. I think for now, one great DD title is good enough. That said, I think you may be seeing Ultimate DD guest-starring sometime soon.
$10 says its MWF "disguised" and won't admit to it. :lol:

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